A Real Smile

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"Dongpyo!" Suyin yelled, running down the street, Saeyoon and Seokjin following in pursuit.

She jumped a high fence effortlessly into the backyard she left them in.

Men had their hands on Dongpyo and Dohyon, Dohyon laying face down on the ground silent as a man dug his knee into the younger boys back. Dongpyo being dragged by his two arms back, men aggressively shoving him around. Taehyung was bound and gagged, pressed against the wall, guns aimed at his head.

Suyin reached for her gun but panicked.

She forgot to holster it.

Jaw clenching, she knew she wasn't getting out of this cleanly. Perking herself up back onto the fence, she walked along it smoothly before jumping down onto the man who had his gun aimed at Taehyung.

Landing on his shoulders, he buckled at the sudden weight pressed down onto him, she leaned back causing him to go off balance, she reached over him quickly pulling the bullets from the gun so he wouldn't accidentally shoot the gun.

She slid into the splits as he crashed into the ground but she slid out, kicking him in the neck so hard his neck cracked. Suyin turned to the men holding Dongpyo, she ran at them, they reached out for her but she slid to her bottom through one of their legs. She quickly pushed herself back up to her feet, high kicking one of the men in the lower back (which was a pressure point with the right amount of force) causing him to buckle.

Getting a hard elbow to her face from the other man, she shook off the pain in her nose, grabbing the mans arm on Dongpyo, twisting his arm so that the hard part of his elbow faced the ground. She clenched her jaw, slamming her knee into his elbow so hard it broke, bending upwards, he unleashed a cursing yell, the man on top of Dohyon pulled out his gun firing at Suyin only she reacted faster.

Kicking Dongpyo in the ribs so hard he was shoved to the side as she pulled the man in front of her, him being shot instead. A bullet went through the mans lower rib, striking Suyin, slitting her exposed arm. She winced, anger boiling through her. She kicked the man forward, adrenaline rushing so it blocked out the cuts pain in her arm.

Dodging bullets as she slid to her bottom, the man on Dohyon tried to shoot her on the ground only she used her abdomen strength, pushing up off the ground into a front flip, nearly landing on Dohyons head but she opened her legs, falling into a middle split, her boot nearly cutting his ear, she bent her back giving so much motion that she back hand springed into the man. One foot kicking the man in the face while the other foot knocked the gun from his hand.

The man fell off Dohyon but grabbed Suyin's foot pulling it out from under her resulting in her falling to her stomach. Grunting as she hit the ground hard, she fought back the man who pulled at her clothing trying to get leverage over her.

Arching her back before slamming it into the ground giving leverage as she swung her legs into the air, launching herself off her back onto her feet in crouch position, grabbing the gun and shooting the man in the face multiple times, majorly disfiguring his face.

The man fell dead, she looked at the man who she had buckled to the ground move, to which she shot him multiple times till he stopped moving.

Falling back to her bottom, her breathing uneven, she quickly caught her breath, disarming the gun before chucking it to the side. Standing up, she checked on Dohyon who, to her slight delight, was alive. His face covered in bruises from being obviously punched.

She tried to check on Dongpyo only he shook her off, with repeated 'I'm fine' and 'don't worry about me' till she finally gave up on him and moved to Taehyung.

"Hey blue boy." She muttered, pulling off the gag. "Good to see you again." He snickered. Suyin rolled her eyes. "They hurt you?" She asked, working on his binds. "If you count being punched in the stomach and kicked in the dick hurting, then yes." Taehyung said in a serious tone, Suyin glanced at him before breaking into a low laugh. Taehyung smiling and laughing lowly as well.

Suyin shook her head, smiling as she pulled out her knife and cut the binds since she gave up on trying to untie it. She slid her knife back into its sheath, pulling away the binds, letting them fall to the ground in pieces. "You cracked a real smile." Taehyung teased, Suyin rolled her eyes again but couldn't help giggling. "Oh shut up." She chuckled, shoving the gag into his mouth. He laughed pulling it back out chasing after her as she walked away.



Suyin watched as the young boy and older boys body's collided into a hug.

She had never felt anything other than coldness sink inside her. The cold depths of her soul. Her minds deepest darkest thoughts the only thing that kept her company in the long sleepless nights in the freezing cold dungeon like rooms, the sounds of rats squeaking late at night being the only sound that would echo through her chamber. Sometimes she'd feed the rats little pieces of chicken just to watch them tear each other apart for the food. And when the rats wouldn't come? Well, all it was, was silence. But it was loud silence. Silence that echoed off the walls and into her stubborn ears. Her heart so cold that she couldn't even feel it beat when she'd lay as still as a body on her hard, back breaking bed. She couldn't even hear it when it'd beat. All she had in the long nights was either the sound of complete, lonely silence, or the sound of Dongpyo's sweating figure as he laid struggling punches to dummies and his body thudding to the ground hard as she'd easily crush him in play combat.

But this, was different. Instead of feeling the cold nothingness inside of her, so cold that even in a heated room she'd be freezing, she felt warm.

Suyin felt a feeling she never experienced before, perhaps, a word that the common folk used.


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