The Siren part 2

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"Dad!" Young Hiccup Haddock yells while following his father, Stoick the Vast, into the great hall.

"You can't do this"

About an hour ago Hiccup's father captured the most beautiful and dangerous creature in all of Berk. This creature also seemed to be the love of Hiccup Haddock's life. Somewhere in the dark forest with the lake so deep no light could reach the surface, he fell in love with the most lovable creature. Yet naidens are smart, dangerous creatures and the feelings are always sideways until this time. This love story was different.

"Dad you need to let her go" his voice is stern but not as stern as Stoick the Vast's.

"Hiccup" his thick Irish accent rang through the room like thunder. The look in his eyes could kill a bear but Hiccup stood tall.

"She has done nothing" but Stoick just shook his head.

"She is not the beauty you see she is a monster. A cold blooded killer" Hiccup couldn't believe his own ears. His Father knew nothing of the bond Astrid and he had. He knew he hadn't fallen in love with a monster. He couldn't have.

"Then we're monsters too".

But nothing changed. For days Hiccup had to stare at his beautiful Astrid swimming around on the tree square feet she had.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered touching her basin. His heart broke watching how her eyes slowly grew darker and darker like she hated him more for the minute. But not for much longer. Hiccup Haddock had a plan.

"I'll get you out" he whispered to her hoping she knew this wasn't an empty promise.

The gang consisted of Snotlout, Tuffnut, Ruffnut and Fishlegs. And everyone of them was confused when Hiccup told them to meet with him in Arena.

"What are we doing here" asked Snotlout sitting on a nearby barrel.

"I need you help to free Astrid" Hiccup said but his request only confused them.

"Who is Astrid?" Asked Tuffnut confused since no one so far had called the young naiden by her name, they just called her the seamonster of Berk.

"The Siren" Fishlegs answered while looking at Hiccup in suspicion.

"Why should we help you?" Asked Snotlout laughing at the fact that Hiccup had fallen in love with a girl everyone else wants killed.

"Because she is not a monster. You guys have seen her there's nothing evil about her" Hiccup starts but the others aren't convinced.

"Don't do this for me but for her. I too thought she was a monster once but I've never been more wrong. She doesn't deserve this torture" Hiccup sighs as his friends doesn't seem to care but then Fishlegs speaks up.

"I've seen her. She doesn't seem as bad as the stories make her out to be" He looked around seeing the others nodding along.

Hiccup stood there waiting for his friends to respond. They all seemed deep in thoughts until Snotlout broke the silence.

"What's the plan?" A smile spread on Hiccup's face and walked closer to the others ready to explain his plan.

When the night fell upon Berk and all good Vikings went to bed, the gang stayed up. It was here in the dark they were planing on moving Astrid. Her blue tail lit up under the moonlight as a guidance for the gang.

"Ready?" Tuff asks his sister. She nodded with a smirk on her face as they were ready to do what they do best: create chaos.

The twins went from cage to cage and released every dragon that the Vikings of Berk had captured. And soon chaos spread across town.

"Dragon attack!" Yelled Gobber as he tried to put out the fires the dragons had started. And in the middle of the screams, fire and fighting it was Snotlout and Fishlegs' turn.

They moved the container Astrid was in up on a wheelbarrow. Her eyes was surprised as they relocated her cage onto the big wheelbarrow. She looked out on the chaos but it wasn't the dragon fighting that her eyes were staring on it was the sea in the horizon.

Snotlout and Fishlegs each grabbed one of the handles on the wheelbarrow and ran through town with her.

"Stop them" they heard Stoick, their chief, yell but for the first time in their lives they didn't obey. A couple of Vikings including Stoick ran after them and they sped up. Finally they reached the forest and they followed the hidden trail Hiccup had left them, showing them the way to the lake.

They finally reached the hill Hiccup a while ago had fallen down. Here Hiccup had builded some sort of rampage for Astrid's cage to slide down. The two young Vikings placed her tub on the wood and let it slide down nice and smoothly. At the end of this invention was Hiccup waiting to catch her and carry her the rest of the way. When the tub his the ground Hiccup picked Astrid up in his arms and carried her towards her home, the lake.

"You're going to be alright" he said as she was looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Everything with be okay" He stepped into the lake feeling his pants getting wet from the water but he didn't care. Astrid was inches from being free. But before she could go she had one last thing to do. With her small hands she holder on to Hiccup's shirt and pulled herself up to give him a kiss. It wasn't just a thank you kiss it was full of love and passion. Because Hiccup wasn't the only one in love.

"Stop!" Stoick's voice broke their kiss. Astrid looked up at Hiccup who hurried to place her in the water.

"Go" Hiccup yelled and she did. She jumped into the water and disappeared into lake but not without trouble. Axes, knives and arrows flew around her as she tried to get out into the deep.

"Stop!" Hiccup tried to make the Viking stop trying to kill the siren but without luck. He saw no choice but to step into the water trying to protect her.

"Hiccup get out of there!" Yelled his father but it was too late. Hiccup went out into the water hoping that they would stop firing at Astrid but he was wrong again. An arrow hit him right in the chest and he fell back into the deep blue water with a splash.

"No" he heard his father cry out but it was too late he was being swallowed by the lake. Hiccup felt life leaving his body like his blood did. The water around him turned red and cold. But before he could hit the bottom of the lake a hand grabbed his. Astrid held on to the boy like he had held her on land. His eyes couldn't focus but he could sense Astrid's blue eyes looking at him with love. And then she started singing. A tune more beautiful than any song he had ever heard. It was quite but soon he felt warm and comfortable. A light came towards him and he closed his eyes. When he opened them again he was still in Astrid's arms but he felt different. His legs felt as one and he could breathe without trouble. The arrow had been removed from his chest and he felt no pain. Astrid hadn't just saved him. She had turned him into a merman.

Astrid looked at him apologetic but Hiccup could only be happy. Because he was with the woman he loved.

That was part 2! Hope you enjoyed I know this story has been told a thousand times but this was my take on it. I'm working on a one shot based on the Story I'm writing: An American Love Story. So make sure to read my story (even though it's not sone yet) then the next one shot will make more sense.

Nos vemos,


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