Truth or dare😏

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Tuffnuts pov (this is gonna be fun):

Fresh berries with yak milk... on fire🔥 while Snotlout is dancing with a sheep🐑 and a big rock comes flying.

Jep that's what I'm thinking about while hiccup, number 3, is talking about something important.

Blah blah blah is all I hear while horses with horns runs around in my brain.
My brain is awesome.

Hiccup has a really wired nose. I never realized that, I bet my chicken realized it before me, chicken always realize things before me.

But I did invent a new cape, and when you put it on you can fly and shoot with sunlight out of your eyes... yeah... I set fire to that too...

Hiccups pov:

"So that's the plan" I end feeling pretty proud.

"Huh" says tuffnut, he probably didn't listen.

"Let's play truth or dare" says tuff randomly, what is going on in his head! (You have no idea)

"What tuff we have a mission tomorrow" I say while I give my temples a massage.

"I think It sounds like a good idea" says snotlout with a smirk.

"No we have to focus" I say

"I... don't think it.... it sounds bad" says fishlegs shyly. him too who's next Astrid.

"Yeah Astrid and I are in too" says heather, well there went my Astrid.

"What when did I say I was in" Astrid says, maybe she's still here.

"Yes you are" heather says crossing her arms.

"But I..." Astrid starts to protest but heather cuts her of by a finger on Astrids lip.

"Shhh" she says. Okay definitely lost Astrid. heather have some weird power over her.

"Let's play" says ruff and sits down with the gang in a circle.

"Yeah, this is the first not stupid idea tuffnut came up with" laughs snotlout

"Watch your mouth, snot, or I will cover your house in spider nets" tuff says dramatically, what is wrong with him.

"Boys are we going to play or what" says heather bossy.

Tuff and snotlout sits quietly and crosses their arms over their crests.

"Okay I'll start" yells ruff.

"Hiccup won't you sit down and play?" Asks Astrid looking at me with her incredible beautiful eyes...

I don't really want to play, but maybe just for Astrid...

"A-sure" I say sighing and sits between fishlegs and Snotlout, and with Astrid in front of me.

"Truth or dare, snotlout" says ruff excited.

"...dare" says snotlout proud like his some kind of prince.

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