The Siren

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Behind those green leafs on the tall trees. Deep inside of the forest, so far no Viking has never stepped foot there. Behind those misterios trees and secretive rocks was a lake. Getting to the lake was like a maze but getting out was even harder.

The old Viking myth said that sirens, dangerous mermaid like creatures, ruled that lake. And every man who has ever stepped foot there has died instantly seduced by their beauty. Until one day...

Hiccup the scrawniest Viking of them always got himself into the worst kind of trouble. This time he pissed off a monsters nightmare well aware he's not big enough to defeat it.

"Arghh" his scream echoed trough the forest as he ran. The forest swallowed Hiccup as he ran further and further. The monsters nightmare burned the trees around it as it snapped after Hiccup.

He soon came to a hill that he effortlessly fell down. Leafs and dirt flew around him as he trembled down the hill.

The monsters nightmare looked down he hill his dinner had fallen down and left. Without so much as a second thought.

When the young boy finally stopped falling he realized how far he was from home. He got up and brushed the dirt of his shirt. He took a look around and came to the conclusion that he was definitely lost. He was about to panic when he heard a sweet voice of an angel. The sweet notes guided him towards the singing. He was no longer in control of his body.

He soon found himself standing in front of a lake. A lake so clear it reflects like a mirror. But the beauty of the lake didn't measure up to the beauty of the song. He looked up to find who was singing. A beautiful fair skinned girl with a long green and blue tail matching her eyes. Her hair was long and blond running down her chest and stomach.

"Waow" was all he could say he'd never seen such beauty. He started taking steps into the water. One after one.

The Siren jumped off her rock and came closer, inch by inch. All Hiccup could think about is that she is even more beautiful up close.
Her singing continued as she stepped closer and now she was so close he could almost kiss her.

He took one more step but it turned out to be a rock. He fell back into the water with a loud splash. Not sure if it was the fall, or the cold water or simply that he couldn't see or hear the naiden but that moment the spell broke. He was himself again, he could think again.

He knew what she was and how dangerous her powers are. He knew he had to get out of the waters now. He splash and kicked trying to find the ground. His feet met the stones on the bottom of the lake. And he ran as fast as he could to the shore. He could feel the siren follow behind him trying her best to get him. But she didn't. He got out.

He sat by the lake for a while catching his breath. Before heading back he took one last look at her. For some odd reason he was drawn to her and it wasn't her powers doing that.

And that's the story of how they met. Astrid and Hiccup. Great first impression from both of them. He was the first to ever have broken out of her spell and he was the first to have enchanted her.

It was the start of a beautiful friendship none of them had predicted.

"Okay Astrid what about this" Hiccup said and pulled out two beautiful silver daggers. But Astrid shook her head.

"Ugh" Hiccup laid back on the sand and felt useless.

"My father is so picky about weapons how am I supposed to find a gift for him" Astrid gave him a sympathetic smile and placed a hand on his foot.

"Right I know" he said. Astrid couldn't talk so they're communicating included sand writing and hand signs.

"The man has everything except for a good son. Maybe I should buy him one of those" Hiccup was about to throw a rock in the lake but Astrid stopped him. She looked at him lovingly and gave him a smile.

"I'm lucky I have you" He said out of nowhere.
She was a siren tempting by nature but Hiccup has fallen utterly in love without that as a factor.

So far they've only been friends. But this moment felt like they've both been seeking for more. Hiccup looked into her sea blue eyes in awe. He was faking all over again.

Without thinking he slowly started to lean in. And so did she. Inch by inch, Like that night at the lake only this time the only spell over them was the spell of love. And like that their lips touched.

But their moment was interrupted by the sound of Viking screams. 10 grown Viking came running towards the lake each with a sword in their hands.

"No no" Hiccup yelled. He jumped in front of Astrid trying to hide her. And she tried to swim back to the deep part of the lake but it was too late. Viking came from every side and trapped her in the shallow part.

"No! Stop!" Hiccup yelled once again but they didn't stop. He tried to hold on to Astrid to protect her but it was too late. He couldn't protect her and the other got a hold of her.

Soon he saw his father in the crowd. His large red beard stood out like the moon on the night sky.

"Dad what are you doing" his father just laughed and patted his shoulder.

"You did it boy" he said. Hiccup was confused and furious.

"You caught a Siren"

I'll post part two tomorrow. Make sure to check out my new book:
American love story!

Nos vemos,


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