The city of paris part 2

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I first realize now what a stupid name I named it...
Oh well here's part two hope you like it.

Astrids pov:

I slowly open my eyes, feeling a big warm blanket is wrapped around me and a warm body is laying next to me.


Where am I? Who's that? What did I do!?

I remember talking to a bartender last night... oh no... I did not cheat onhiccup! Maybe he kidnapped me, maybe I'm in Mexico right now, and he stole my kidney!

I'm gonna die here...

I move my head up from the persons chest and sees none other than... hiccup.

Oh well maybe it's all fine... except I'm naked! Wait did we do it? I feel so bad I can't remember, then hiccup will think it didn't mean anything, it probably didn't is was so drunk.

Hiccup starts to shake and soon his eyes are open.

"Good morning milady" he says with his deep morning voice.

"Good morning" I mumble.

"Did you sleep well?" He ask running his hands up and down my naked body.

"Fine, but I don't remember much, did we...." I start but how am I going to say this and why is it so hard.

"Yes.." he say as my pause gets a bit to long.

"Do it, you know?"I ask feeling relived and nervous.

"Yes, you don't... remember... that?" He asks looking down a bit, gosh now I feel terrible.

Hiccup sits up and I follow right behind. Please don't be mad. I put my hands on his arms and stop him from getting out of bed.

"I'm sorry I was so drunk the last thing I remember was talking and then... nothing" I explain hoping he won't be mad.

"Well..." he mumbles, please god.

"Let's hope you can remember this" he says pushing me down on the bed. I scream a quiet surprise scream, when he pushed me, but it's followed by giggles.

He starts kissing my up my neck until he finds my lips.

I will definitely remember this...

(Time skip, sorry no smut)

Hiccup and I walk hand in hand around Paris buying some macaroons that we can eat on the flight home.

"Paris has been amazing" I whisper in hiccups ear making him smile from ear to ear.

"It really has, milady, and it truly is the city of love" he responds kissing my cheek softly.

"Well unless you're Snotlout"

We both laugh, and continues to walk back to the hotel giving Paris a final goodbye.

(On the plane)

"Come on fly big metal bird" tuffnut complains because the plane hasn't taking off yet.

"Calm down chicken boy, it will take off any minute now" I say

"Astrid marry me" Snotlout says and he had said those three word to me a million times, and that is just this hour.

"Snotlout stop trying to get my girl, just because you can't flirt" hiccup says wrapping his arms around me protectively.

"I can't wait till we land" fishlegs says so excited he's almost jumping of excitement.

"Yeah are you guys ready?" Says hiccup cherries.

"In just a minuet I can't find my peanuts" tuff says ruining the excitement.

"You ate them on the way to the airport!" Says ruff annoyed.

"Or did I?!" Tuff looks at us like a weird detective.

"Oh no here we go again" hiccup sighs.

"Well let's go" fishlegs say happy.

"Yeah, here we come ***********"

Uhhhh which country will I pick😁 well obesely the ones you requested and I'll pick the one with most request. So fire away guys



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