chapter twenty.

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Season 4, Episode 8 : Don't Bury This Case

Hermann walked back up to Stella Kidd at the scene they just arrived to. Truck 81 got deployed while Squad stayed back. It was a hit and run obviously but the problem was that the vehicle that did the hit and run was Kelly Severide's vintage blue mustang.

And there was no one in the car.

A woman and her ten year old daughter were the victims of this accident and Kelly was nowhere to be found.

"Where is he ?" Stella asked Christopher Hermann and he shrugged sadly.

"I don't know. No one's even seen him run off."

"I've been trying to get a hold of him all day and he hasn't been answering." Stella told him , trying her best to not tear up. "This is bad."

"I know." Hermann said before turning to the police officers.

"We ran the tags, belongs to a Kelly-"

"Kelly Severide." Hermann told them. "Hey , do us a favor ?"

"What ?"

Hermann looked around before looking at them.

"Call the Intelligence Unit , they need to be on this case, no one else."

Word got out to Voight quickly who called Erin. The two rode together before driving to Kelly Severide's apartment.

Kelly heard someone bang on his door and groaned to himself. His head felt like it being split open. He had drank himself crazy once again and was laid out on his couch.

The person at the door banged again and he weakly got up, wincing again, holding his head. The person's fists banged against the door again. They were very persistent of him answering.

"I'm coming." He yelled before holding his head again. His own yelling hurt his temple. He leaned against the side of the wall by the door and opened it to see Erin Lindsay and Hank Voight. The hell were they doing at his place this late ?

Erin leaned against the door frame and looked at him. He had a cut on his head.

"What are you doing ?" She asked him.

"What do you mean ?" He asked her confused before looking at Hank.

"Look , you better grab a jacket and come with us."

Kelly scoffed. It was bad enough he had a headache and it was going on four am and now they wanted him to go with them somewhere ?

"I'm not going anywhere." His voice was slightly slurring still. "What is this-What is this about ?"

"Kelly." Erin softly warned. "You either come with us now or wait for uniforms to come get you in handcuffs."

He slowly looked at Voight who remained emotionless but Kelly knew something had to happen , he had to do have done something wrong for them to come down to his place. He sighed looking down before looking at them.

"What happened ? What did I do ?"


Kim rushed in with a long sleeve black shirt and blue jeans with black boots. Erin had called her and told her she was needed at the precinct. Of course Kim was mad that she had to get up way earlier than intended but she had a job to do and when it called , it called.

She brushed her hair behind her ears before tossing her bag down and walking up to Erin and Voight who were waiting for her.

"You needed me here ?"

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