chapter nineteen.

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Three months later, Kim finally walked back into her old apartment, everything still intact.

As much as she hated it , Voight was right to suspend her. Her mind just wasn't in the right spot and it needed it to be for her job as a detective.

She finally allowed herself to mourn the death of her child , Frank Toma and Alvin Olinsky. She spent days sobbing into pillows at one of her flight attendant's friends and started drinking to numb herself. Once she was done killing her liver , she decided to get herself together. She went on a hiking trip that lasted days with these strangers and as weird as they were, they all bonded one night , talking about the trauma they all went through.

She realized she wasn't alone in everything that happened. She had support behind her and she didn't even know it. With her past court case , she felt alone but the unit was right behind her, despite the major loss.

Kim took her bags upstairs and decided to clean up , all day and night before it was squeaky clean. The next night , Kim decided to go see Kelly.

With her time alone and no distractions , she realized she was in love with Kelly as well. She had convinced herself so long that it was just sex to the point she believed it and the words left her mouth naturally. When he avoided her , she was mad that she didn't have him anymore, she wanted him , only him.

And when she got pregnant , she fell more in love with him. He didn't push her away or yell at her or blame her. He was ready to a parent to their baby and even marry her , to prevent their child to live the life they lived.  When she got pregnant , they fell more deeply in love with each other.

Kim got in her Toyota Corolla L before driving off to his apartment complex. Her heart was racing as she parked and walked to the door, seeing his car parked in it's usual spot. Kim walked in and went to the elevator.

She was going to get her man back.

The elevator dinged and slowly opened. Kim walked out and took a deep breath as her eyes stayed on his door. She finally stood in front of it and took another deep breath before knocking on the door twice.

She cracked her knuckles as her heart started beat faster in her chest. Her fingers brushed her hair behind her ears before the door opened and it felt like the world froze.

Kelly's ex fiance' , Renee Royce had opened the door with a big smile. A childlike scream interrupted their ears and they both turned their heads to see Kelly playing with a little boy.

Renee turned to Kim with a smile.

"Can I help you ?"

"No , wrong door. Have a good night."

"You too."

Renee didn't want for her to leave before slowly shutting the door in her face. Kim turned and went back to the elevator.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

She went back outside to her car before getting inside and driving off, trying to not cry. She didn't know where to go but she parked outside of Adam Ruzek's place that he shared with Hailey. Kim jumped out and rushed to the door , knocking on it as hard as she could.

The door opened to show Adam in his pajamas and his eyes widened , seeing Kim with tears in her eyes. He quickly pulled her in and shut the door. Hailey walked out the bathroom from washing her hands and noticed Kim.

"Kim , are you okay ?"

She shook her head and they pulled her to the couch before she sobbed on Adam's shoulder as Hailey rubbed her back, sitting next to her.

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