chapter nine.

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Kim looked at Hank sadly as they walked out of the meeting with Matt Miller and Brian Macklin. Voight decided to stand down in the case and she knew the man was a hard worker to bring justice for the cases they had.

"Alright." He told her as they approached her vehicle. " Call Lindsay, see if she can get any boots on the ground around that village. Circulate the photo of Sasha and the male suspect. Believe , someone's gotta something about-"

"Wait." She stopped at her car. "You said you were going to stand down."

"Kim , you should no better that I'm not going to fucking do that." He told her. "Listen , when you got a chance to make a murder case, you take it , you don't ask."

"So the investigation is still on ?" She asked confused.

"Yeah but Matt Miller doesn't need to know that , does he ?"

"But what was the meeting all about them if we're just going to lie ?"

Voight glared at her and she looked down , cowering her head in fear. He was a scary man and she was already on his bad only working there for a year.

"You need to know where your loyalty lies Burgess. Either your heart or your badge."

He didn't spare her a second before he walked off. Burgess quickly got in her car and let out a loud groan. First , she did something stupid then something stupid came out of it and now it was okay for her to lie to her boyfriend ? What shit did she drag herself into ?


"Burgess , my office."

Erin walked out the office and gave her a sad look. Kim was in trouble, she knew it , they all knew it. She got up and walked inside before he shut the door shut behind her. She sat down.

"You wanna know how we lost him ?" He asked her.


"Because your fed ass boyfriend and the FBI screwed us over.

"What ?"

"They tipped off Yuri." Voight's voice raising at her.

"How do you know that ?"

"Because I know !" He shouted at her. Kim kept her head down as he continued to yell at her, everyone could hear through the glass. "I've been spelling it out for you but you still don't get it , do you ? Those feds don't care about no simple murder case , they never have, they never will. You wanna know why I kept going with this case ? All that talk about going down the road doesn't mean shit to me because it didn't mean shit to them."

He went around his desk , letting a big deep breath , trying to calm himself down. Kim was trying her best to not cry , she had let him down , the case down and everyone else down. She looked back up at him.

"As pissed as I am with you right now , you're the only person that can fix this mess."

His eyes matched hers and he placed his hands on his desk , bending over slightly.

"But I need to know where your loyalty lies , right now. I need to know before this goes any further, you choose us or them. Pick , right now."

Without any hesitation , she spoke up. "With you, always."

"Good answer."


Kim sighed as she got out her car, about to walk back into the precinct back doors. Voight yelling at her on top of her already self crucifying guilt , kept her up all night.

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