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Daemos feelings: Close

Y/N: Close

Ava: BFF<3

Plot: you got into an accident which can cause you immidiet death but u somehow live(duh)but theh thought you were suffering silently and slowly.(also...DUH)


Y/N ran on the side of the streets hurringly,it was raining hard,she was wearing her maid outfit still and her small heels.

Her hair was damped by the water followed by her clothes.

Why was she hurried for in a rainy time?Well Noi contacted her that they had an "accident" on the street.

Which caused the H/C haired female worried and rush to Ava's shared location.


"Yeah Y/N,Asch is freaking out a bit on how to handle it!"

"I'll be there!im in a few blocks away!"
But when she was crossing the road,a (UN EDUCATED SWINE) car didnt noticed and ran over her.


"We need a emergency check up!"

"Go check her pulse!"

"She's breathing!"

"Oh god please help our baby!"


"Hang in there girl"

"You can do it sweetie"

"Just a little while longer!dont give up on us now!"


•3rd pov•

°4 months°

In a hospital bed,laying there,a pale S/C skined girl with her H/C hair locks,looking as weak as ever.

Ava yet again have come to visit Y/N in her now weak state,She sat down next to her bed as she caress her fingers.

"Hey Y/N,i came to visit again today,i brought you your favourite snacks,F/S,you like them dont you?then please wake up so we can eat them together"Ava said with sobs threatening to come out.

But her body stayed stiff.

Andrew and Devin sadly watched their daughter sadly through the window door and sat down.

"You sure she's gonna be ok,Devin?i mean look at Ava,she looks more like a skeleton"Andrew asked,Devin sigh desperately"to be honest Andrew,im not sure myself on this,but we cant stop now to support Y/N,she's our daughter too"Devin smiled.


"LEIF!CANT YOU DO ANYTHING?!"Asch asked,Leif growled out"ARGH!SHUT UP!IM TRYING"Leif said.

The 4 men was disscussing on how to wake Y/N up,unlike Noi who locked himself in and blaming himself.

(Nooo u pure boiii)

"It was all my fault!if i hadnt call Y/N that day she would've been here!"

That was all he remembers about.

Its scares him to think you were acually gone.

He cant even stand see your weak,stiff body.


The doctor came out of the operating room.

Ava sat up from her seat"Doc?"she called,Devin and Andrew hug her sides,while the Daemos stand beside them,The Doctor sigh and took of his glasses"the operation is..not succeeded,she lost alot of blood and her heart stopped beating,im sorry for your loss"He looked down.

Ava couldnt believe her ears,her 'sister' is gone...just like that"Y/N!!!!!!!"

"Ava sweetie,please come out of your room"

"Or atleast eat,Y/N wouldnt want to see you like this"


"Leave me alone"

"I cant believe we lost princess Y/N..."


"She was very nice...why did she have to go?"

"No one knows when death will come towards us...Leif"

"It was all my fault...I...called her and she rushed to us!Im sorry!i messed things up so bad!"

Noi started crying,there is hate in the other 4 men eyes,but they push that feelings away and gave him a hug.


"I know,Y/N would do this to one of us if we were feeling bad"

"I....-thank you"

"DOC!She's still breathing!"

"Her pulse came back!"

"Lets do the operation now!we might have a chance!"

"In 3...2...1..-"

•3 weeks later•

Ava sigh,she came out of her room as lifeless as ever to the kitchen and made herself some cereal.

Looking around,she glance at Y/N's bedroom door,on how she would walk out and make breakfast.

"Ava?why are you eating cereal and not a proper meal"A voice asked

Ava look towards the voice and saw Y/N"oh...hey dead Y/N,you're going to haunt me now?thats good"she smiled weakly.

Y/N couldnt help but shed a tear"Oh Ava!"She ran towards her raven hair and hug her so close"W-WHAT?!HOW CAN YOU TOUCH ME?!"Ava asked freaking out.

"Because im alive silly!"Y/N sobbed in Ava's shoulder,Ava couldnt believe her ears and eyes,but she wants to hug her,she missed her so much.

The Daemos went out of the portal to see Ava hugging someone"Princess Ava,Who are-"when they got close,they saw the very familiar H/C hair offering them a hug.

They immidietly ran towards the figure and held her close along with Ava.

"We missed you very much Princess Y/N!"

"We thought we lost you forever!"

"Who can stop me from murdering if its not Ava?!"

"You idiot prisoner!leaving us worried like this!"

"Im so sorry Y/N!i should'nt have-"

Y/N broke the hug and wipe Noi's tears from his cheeks"its not your fault,i should've not rushed in the middle of the crossing road when its green,Noi,im sorry"She gave them hugs again.

"We love you Y/N"

"I love you guys too"



Forgive me if i type in the wrong words

for fucks sake i dont turn on auto correct alright!


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