13.the girl's halloween disguise

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🙈3rd pov🙈

Y/N was in her room,jamming on her favorite tune with the 3 pets,it was nice until Asch barged in"PRISONERRRRR!"he yelled,the 4 of you covered your ears"what do you want,Asch?"you sighed,you weren't planning on serving of the daemos and stayed in your room all day"there's someone at the door!"he growled.

you rolled your eyes,and glare at him"Asch,you litteraly have all the ability to open a frickin' door"you pointed out,he scoffed and left.


you went outside to see Marlene  on top of a table"oh,hey Marlene'you greeted,Marlene eyes sparkle"Y/NNNN!"she jumped i your direction,as you caught her quicky"Woah!careful sugar cubes"she laughed and look deep into your eys"hey,you took off your patch!"she pointed out,you giggled and put her down"i did,so what did i miss?"you asked

Marlene smirks"we,the girls are going to have fun!" you sweat dropped.

your term in fun is scary and painful Marlene....

"the guys are going to serve us queens and the best server will be the groom for bride Y/N and Ava!"Marlene said"oh its ON!"Leif smirked,"just watch on how i win!"Asch with his smug look"i'll win you girls!"Noi said"yes."pierce still calm but her has determination in his eyes"alright!"Rhys fixes his glasses.

just then you stayed back"i-im sorry to rui your fun...but i dont think im fit to be a-Queen"you flustered,Marlene fake shock her face"WHAAT?You serious!Y/N you literally hav the most beautiful Eyes here!no queen are like youuu,pweasee Y/N"she pleed with her puppy eyes,you sweat dropped and glance at Ava who was doing the same thing.



they did alot things today and it made the guys really worn out,you designed Ava's toilet paper wedding gown"this is embaressing!"She squealed,Marlene giggles"dont worry about it Ava!"she said,you cut the ends and its made"not really the best...but atleast it covers you up"you said,AVa turn towards the two of you"got any winners?"she asked.

Marlene noded"oh yes!".

they came out"boys!~i got your winnersss"Marlene said,Ava looked really tired of the little one doings today but...as long Y/N is there,she felt she can always count on her"teratata teratata teratatataaaa~NOI and RHYS!""HUH?!?!?!"

then they starts to argues"uhm...you guys do know that this marridge is fake...right?"Marlene pointed out,you hold in your laughters"WHAT?!"they cam in shock,"well o dont have the real power to make it legit,i just made te certificate with PLay dough!"Marlene said"so...princess Ava and Y/N is stil open to Marrige?"Asch asked,Ava giggled"well...yeah"Ava said.

they groaned and fall asleep on the floor"but i can see that they cared for you guys...and *hoam*...im sleepy"Ava giggled"i'll take you to bed"Ava pick her up and bring Marlene to her bedroom,you sigh while lookingn at the passed out guys"you guys really cant keep up with an 8 year old huh?"you smiled and cover them with blankets.

you made some tea for Ava since she said she got a headache"i've been wanting to ask you...when will you tell them?you know.."Ava said,Y/N stayed silence"they've been living with us for a month,y'know"Ava cotinued.

Y/N put her tea on the table"i'll be on my room"you said without looking Ava in the eyes

They need the real you,Y/N...

it's hard to say something you've been keeping from they who stand always by your side,Ava

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