1.to the other side

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You woke up early as usual,with a sunlight on your face.

What day is today?

You asked,you opened your phone and check the calendars.

Ava's interview is....today!

With a rush,you went into her bedroom and woke her up"Wake up sleepy head!today is your interview day!"you smiled cheekily,Ava woke up with hafl lidded eyes"....in-terview?"she asked half awake,you giggle"i suggested you to get ready!besides we ran out of yum yums for Johnny and munchies crunchies for breakfast,so i also adviced for you to get a doughnut on the way"you said.

She rushed off,you shook your head,you sat down on the couch that is facing the flat screen TV.

Good morning,Asch,please start your day as usual.

Without knowing,you were smiling like an idiot.

You got ready for today.

And you use your somesort of magic to remove your horns.

You giggled at Hiccup,your baby husky still sleeping piecefully on your bed.

Then you saw Johnny with a pizza in his bowl"well...atleast theres tomato in the pizza,is good for you"you giggled.

You saw the trash and knowing Ava took one bag.

With no problem,you took out the trash.

When you opened the door,you saw Jake walking away"oh,Morning Jake!"you smiled,he turn around"M-morning Y/N"he replied,you saw a tint of blush on his cheeks"So~did you greet Ava this morning?"you asked,while putting an elbow on his shoulder"i did...but i messed up"he said,you smile"you'll get to say it sooner or later"you adviced,then you remembered the trash with you"oh yeah!the trash,..i better go Jake,talk to you later!"you smiled and left.


Walking behind the building,you throw the trash in.

"Asch?"with that,someone caughed.

You turn around and dont believe in what you saw....

Asch...Leif...Noi,Rhys...and pierce....they're here...

You thought

Then You locked eyes with Ava..."Y/N!"she screamed,they turn around and saw you,but....you hide your face with a hoodie you were wearing.

"Who?!"Leif asked,you show an eye at Ava"Im sorry Ava!!"with that you left,sprinting.

Im sorry im sorry im sorry...but...Asch...he seemed healthy....

With a hidden smile,you ran around the block.

•with Ava•

Shoot!i accedantly slipped out her name!these guys must've been-

The black haired one turn towards Ava,with a deadly glare"Human,how do you know Y/N?!if you do,Tell me where is her whereabouts!"He yelled.in a demanding tone!

"Who?!Y/N F/L/N(fake last name?)whag do you want with her?!she has nothing to do with you weirdos!"Ava defended.

With a reassuring pat on the shoulder,Asch sigh"....lets go"with that they left.



You breathed heavily,after circled the block,you came back for Ava,who was hanging on a tree.

"Ava!"you called,she look down at you"Y/N!i thought you ran away!"she said,you grinned"i did,well...i ran around the block,The demos know nothing from this dimension...they probably trying to take it over..."you mumbled the last part,shaking your head"but first!lets get you down!"you said as you tried your best.

It was working not until they came back for Ava,hid behind the pillars,hearing his voice somehow make something inside you calm down.

"A...spirit?"asch asked,you peek and saw Johnny.

Nooo!not wittle johnny!

You though.

Oh no!if Johnny's here...what about Hiccup?!

You imidietly ran away without being noticed.

MY INNER DEMONS(aphmau reader insert)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن