Draco pulled the scarf from his face and opened his coat as Harry guided him to a booth in the corner, with a hand of the small of his back.

"There's this little shop around the corner that sells trinkets and jewellery, and I was wondering if we could maybe go there after?" Draco requested as he slid into the booth seat, and Harry across from him.

"Of course. Whatever you want to do, we can do it." The raven complied and picked up the small menu in front of him. "What would you like?" He inquired as his eyes skimmed over the brilliant selection of tea and snacks.

"Oh, I'll just have a chai tea and two cinnamon churros, please." Draco asked meekly and Harry thought it adorable. He shot a smile and a nod at Draco before going to the counter and placing Draco's order and getting a vanilla tea for himself.

Over at the table, Draco waited for Harry to get back. Strangely, he found himself enjoying Harry's company. He slipped a white mitten off one hand, and then the other, placing them on the table. Silently, he looked around the little tea shop. It was adorned with bows and frills, Draco thought it very interesting.

Although it was a very cramped space, it was cosy and somewhat homely. Draco let out an exhausted sigh and slumped over in the chair. He was awake several times last night. There wasn't even a reason, it was just one of those days. They were a regular thing and often contributed to to long list of things that made Draco fatigued during the day.

Harry startled Draco from his exhausted slumber when he set his order in front of him. The blonde perked up at the sight of his tea and churros.

"Thank you." He spoke, speaking for everything.

"You're welcome. I invited you on this date, so of course I want to pay for you." Harry was adverse and courteous in accepting Draco's thanks. With that, he took a sip of his vanilla tea and admired Draco. He thought the blonde was precious.

No, I mean thank you for everything." Said blonde stated quietly and looked down at his tea, holding it with both hands to warm them.

"Eh?" The raven was baffled as to what Draco was talking about, but he observed the the sullen look on his face.

"For coming after me the other night. For being here now. And for trying to get to know the real me. It means a lot." Draco fiddled with his teacup, before taking a bit of his churros. A pleased look crossed his face as he chewed. Setting the churros down, Draco wiped at his mouth with a napkin before speaking again. "I know we've fought horrible these past years, but times have changed. And you're here now and that's good. So thank you." He beamed. Happily taking another bite of his churro.

"Oh... You're welcome?" Harry replied, unsure of what else to say, but was happy that the blonde was happy. Draco giggled at him.

"You're quite funny. Um..." His sentence trailed off, not knowing how to phrase what he wanted to say properly.

Harry looked curiously at Draco, whose face had turned bright red. "Is there something you wanted to say?"

"Um... That thing you did in Honeydukes felt really nice. And well, I sort of really liked it." Draco, embarrassed, covered his face with his hands.

And in that moment, Harry almost lost his breath. He didn't think Draco could get any more precious.

Boy was he wrong.

"Well, uh, I could do it again sometime if you like." Harry threw a wink and Draco and a smirk settled on his lips. "Anyway, are you done?" Draco's face was beet red, and Harry thought he was the most adorable thing in the world.

"N-nearly." The blonde stuttered and held up a finger as he ate the last bite of his churro. When he swallowed, he threw Harry a shy smile. "All done. We can go now."

Harry checked Draco's face and realized that Draco has sugar dotting his lips. "You have something on your mouth." As soon as the words left Harry's mouth, Draco's hand shot to his mouth to wipe it, but missed most of it. He pulled his fingers away and realized it was sugar, before popping them in his mouth to clean them off. Harry had to grip the edge of the table to steady himself before he did something he regretted. Merlin have mercy on him.

"Is it gone?" Draco inquired lightly and Harry checked.

"Still a bit. Here, let me get it." Harry leaned across the small table, he rested one hand on Draco's chin and the other on the table, still gripping it. He pulled Draco a little closer and connected their lips.

The sweet taste of sugar melted on his tongue as he swept it across the blonde's sumptuous lips. Harry pulled the Draco's bottom lip between his and sucked on it gently. Not a second later had Draco let out that soft mewling sound that Harry loved. It zapped his nerves, sending sparks through every muscle on his body.

When he pulled back, Draco looked a little embarrassed but content.

He was precious.


Hi, yes, it is me. I updated twice in 2 days. Wow, new record. Go me. So either I'll update before Thursday with a slightly Christmassy chapter or a few days after Christmas. Please comment and vote, cause I don't know if you guys like it otherwise.

Thank you.

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