10 - Impressions and Trauma

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                                                                          (Ignore the tattoos hehe) 

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                                                                          (Ignore the tattoos hehe) 

                                                                          (Ignore the tattoos hehe) 

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Joan was sitting in her room when she heard the familiar alarm of the box. Newt had allowed her to take a break from gardening due to her injuries, but the idle stillness was driving her crazy. She needed to occupy her time somehow, but her shoulder ached with every movement. 

This was finally her chance. She sprang up from her bed and jogged to the box. Other Gladers had done the same, discarding their tools for whatever job they were tending to beforehand. The girl joined the boys at the edge of the platform as they peered down through the rusted grate. The sight that awaited her made her stomach drop.

As the box was opened, light shone onto a boy sitting in the corner. He had the same dark hair and eyes as the boy in her dreams, and she froze when his frightened gaze locked into hers. 

There was no recognition in his eyes, but for a split second, Joan saw the fear morph into something like,

Fascination? Shock?

"He's a bit scrawny, but he'll do." A Glader teased, which caused a ripple of laughs to ensue. However, Joan couldn't tear her gaze away from the boy.

Gally appeared in her vision as he jumped down in front of the skiddish Greenie, immediately hauling him up out of the box.

Her gaze followed him as the Gladers playfully shoved him around, his widened eyes making her feel some pity for him. Then, he was running.

And so was she.

The cheers of the Gladers that she left behind became fainter as she focused on the boy in front of her. He panted as his legs pumped him forward, immediately beelining for the maze.

Almost there.

Her arm looped around his as she pulled him back, however his momentum had other plans. His body snapped backwards and into her own, causing both to fall into the grass. His back had collided with her bad shoulder, making her wince audibly.

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