9- Lies and Realization

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Thomas tapped his foot on the concrete floor, his mind racing as did his heart.

He was awaiting the presence of Janson, the silver haired man with a constant scowl on his face.

The man he'd slowly grow to hate.

He had proposed to the man that he was ready for testing, ready to be sent into the maze.

Ready to do the trials.

The boy honestly wasn't expecting him to fall for it. Thomas had been acting out of line ever since Joan was sent up, but he couldn't risk the long months of waiting for his trust to be won back.

He needed to get in the maze now.

So he decided to ask nicely first.

The steel door opened with a slight click.

But he had something up his sleeve.

Janson walked into the small room, his hands clutching a manila folder as he sat down across from the young man.

"So, you want to start the trials, hm?" He asked, opening the folder and eyeing its contents.

"Yeah. I think I'm ready." Thomas replied, crossing his arms on the cold metal table.

Janson was silent for a moment before looking up at Thomas, a small hint of skepticism in his eyes.

"Is that so? Are you sure? You do know about the whole...memory thing?"

Thomas felt like a mouse being toyed with by a cat. He also felt insulted.

Of course he knew. He had been surveying the operation ever since the first subject was sent up. What was Janson trying to get at?

"Yes." He started, "I know."

"Are you sure it's not because of..someone else being in the testing zone?"

Thomas kept his cool.

"No. Joan is a traitor for all I know, memory wiped or not. She tried to kill me. All I want is to finally fulfill my purpose in the trials." He stated perfectly, as if he practiced it, which he had.

Janson thankfully didn't seem to pick it up, or at least he wasn't showing it.

"Then why were you so upset the other day when she had gotten hurt?"

Thomas stopped himself from faltering, another rehearsed line leaving his lips.

"I was just upset that I wasn't informed on what was going on. I would have liked to see the action too, y'know." His voice had taken a snarky tone, trying his best to convince the man across from him to believe he held a grudge against his friend.

Janson nodded as he thought, making Thomas's palms sweat slightly.

"I'll send a nurse in to get you prepped."

Thomas wanted to sigh in relief, but he held it in.

He just nodded, a small smile appearing on his face.

"I hope I can attain favorable results."

With that, Janson left the room, allowing Thomas the privacy to relax.

His plan was working so far. The last and most important step wasn't far in reach.

When he would be forced into the wipe chamber, it would just be water.

Not the acidic formula designed to erase cognitive abilities. Memories.

He would be the Trojan horse. The only "Greenie" to arrive in the maze with their memory intact.

From there, he would play dumb. He would act like his memory was taken, when in reality he remembered the escape.

He would break them free.

A woman opened the door, startling him from his thoughts. In her arms were neatly folded clothes with a pair of combat boots resting on top.

Thomas nodded in gratitude as the woman rested the clothes on the table before leaving.

The boy gazed down at the garments and their simplicity. On the table rested a light blue cotton shirt, along with slate-colored pants and brown boots.

He changed, his heart racing and his palms sweating.

Finally, he stepped out into the cool hallway where he was met by guards, their weapons pointed to the floor.

He followed the soldiers down the bright corridor, his heart thumping loudly in his ears.

After what felt like miles of walking, they reached their destination.

The wipe room.

It still sent goosebumps all over his skin. He had seen so many kids get thrown into the glass tube before the wiping liquid filled their senses and sent them into a deep sleep.

But that wouldn't be him.

He stood patiently as a nurse checked his vitals, not wanting the process to overwhelm his body. He needed to be in good condition to withstand it.

That's how the other kids were coerced. They were sent into this calm environment, believing it was only a doctor's checkup.

But then, they'd soon realize it wasn't once they were being forced into a clear cylinder.


Thomas blinked a few times before answering, his jaw clenched.

"Yeah? I'm here."

"I'm sorry."

Her words triggered alarms in his head.

"For what?"

Thomas lifted his head to see Janson entering the room, a mocking smirk painted on his face.

"Ah Thomas, you of all people should know that the wiping chamber is checked regularly. Nice try, though."

Thomas's heart sprang into his throat as he stood up, his palms sweating as he immediately looked for an escape.

But two pairs of arms brought him down, and the boy struggled as he saw a needle come into view. His brown eyes widened at the sight, a frightened yell ripping from his throat as the point ventured towards his neck.

"Relax, Thomas. This was planned from the beginning. We just needed some help from our loyal friend Teresa." Janson cooed, and Thomas could hear the smirk in his voice.

Anger coursed through Thomas just as the needle pierced his skin, his teeth clenching.

"I'll be back, just you wait! I won't let-"

A hiss sounded in the air as the liquid was pushed into his bloodstream, the cold substance making his eyelids heavy and his body fatigue.

Slowly, his struggles stopped as he fell unconscious, his expression softening into a peaceful one as he slept.

Authors's note:
Ah poor Tommy, he's so courageous but can be a bit of a dummy 😅

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