3 - Authority and Hope

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Before the newbie could doze off, a knock sounded on her door. The girl sat up and smoothed back her hair.
"Come in."
The british boy, Newt stepped in.
He looked around at the cozy room before speaking:

"Follow me. We're having a council meeting on some new rules, and you gotta be present."


She got up and walked with Newt to a large building in the corner of the glade. It wasn't like the homestead. Instead of tightly fitting boards, the structure was made of tightly woven rope and branches. Once inside, the young woman took note of the large capacity, as the whole glade was sitting within it, looking at her.

Newt nodded to a wooden chair towards the front of the room and the Greenie hesitantly sat down. She felt everyone's eyes on her.

Then Gally appeared, his arms crossed.

"There's a girl here now. So, new rules." He looked over at Alby, who was also sitting in a chair. He got up.

"Okay Gladers. New rule number one: You are to never touch the greenie."

The Gladers mumbled, all talking amongst eachother.

The new Glader tilted her head.

"Wait a second, do I even get a say in this?" she asked. Gally looked over at her.

"Fine, Greenie. What do you propose?"

"I propose" she stood up "That no one is to touch me unless I give permission. I'm not a little doll that is too fragile to be touched." she huffed.

"Someone might abuse that rule." Newt responded.

"Look, I respect your thoughtfulness, but I can take care of myself."

Alby nodded and then turned to the Gladers.

"All those in favor of this rule?"

Gladers raised their hands, impressed by Joan's authority.

Alby took note of the vote and continued.

"Rule two: Gladers are forbidden to sleep in the same room as the Greenie."

Laughs and protests erupted from the gladers. Gally rolled his eyes at their behavior. Newt looked at the girl for her approval.

"Reasonable." she said.

And once again, the Gladers voted, and the rule was passed, even though there were some who disagreed.

Afterwards, as everyone was filing out, Chuck jogged to the Greenie.

"You were really scary back there." he blurted out, causing her to raise an eyebrow.

"I was?" she asked. Chuck nodded.

"Your stare almost made 3 guys klunk their pants next to me."

"Oh. Well that's nice."

Chuck looked at the girl, who unknowingly had a 24/7 resting expression that looked stern.

Just then, some Gladers saw them and grinned.
"Hey it's the queen of the glade!"

The girl rolled her eyes slightly, but she secretly smiled to herself. At least everyone knew not to mess with her.

The sun began to set, and she watched as Gladers prepared for the bonfire that was promised by Gally.

Minho walked over and placed himself next to her.

"So. How you like the glade, Greenie?" he asked.

The newbie looked down at the blades of grass before answering.

"I dunno yet. It's alright."

Minho looked beyond the campfire and then back at her.

"Maybe you should apologize to that kid you klunked in the face earlier." he suggested.

The Glader had almost forgotten about the boy she punched. That moment felt like ages ago.

"Where is he?" she asked.

Minho pointed to a boy sitting on a log, an icepack between his hand and his cheek. His blonde hair resting above his dark eyes.

"His name's Peter. He's a runner. Go talk to him." Minho wiggled his eyebrows comically.

She scoffed quietly before walking over to the boy, sitting next to him.

Peter looked at her, a bit of bewilderment upon his face.

"Hey.." she started off gently. "Sorry about, uh, punching you earlier. I was startled."

Peter smiled sheepishly before lifting his head.

"It's alright. Happens to the best of us. I must say though, you can pack a punch."

The girl let out a soft chuckle and then looked down at her combat boots.

"Yeah, this place needs getting used to."

"I can understand. I was freaked out when I first came up in the box. I'm Peter, by the way." he said.

"I know. Minho told me." She then looked over to where the other boy was sitting. Minho held up two thumbs up and grinned. Peter shook his head, chuckling.

She then saw Gally step into a ring of sand, his face showing pride.

"Anyone wanna tustle?" he asked.

Gladers murmured to themselves, and a lightbulb went off in the Greenie's head.

"I can." she said. The Gladers all looked at her, a bit surprised.

Gally grinned. "I'll go easy on you then."

"No need to. I can see that you don't like me." she stood up and walked over.

"Why do you say that?" he asked.

"You're snappy with me and you look at me like I'm a threat all the time. Why?" she crossed her arms.

Gladers intently watched the altercation, intrigued.

Gally looked at the girl before answering.

"I just think its suspicious that the creators sent a girl is all."

The Glader sensed a bit of venom in his tone. She suddenly felt her temper start to shorten like the wick of burning candle.

"Well there's no need to be rude." she said as she started to circle him.

He watched her with eyes like a hawk, rolling his shoulders.

"Okay, but no punching or kicking. You just gotta get me out of the ring Greenie." he explained.

She nodded and sprinted at him. Gally quickly jumped to the side, and the Greenie stopped herself before she could cross the ring. She turned around shoved Gally as he ran at her.

Gally huffed and tried to trip her, but the girl was quicker. She ran and shoved him with all her strength, and as he was stumbling back, she put out her foot and tripped him.

Gally fell back, his head over the line of the ring. Gladers grinned and laughed.

"You're out of the ring Gally!"

"She beat you, Slinthead!"

The newbie smirked in triumph, before helping Gally up. Gally brushed himself off before shaking her hand, a small smile on his face.

"Nice, Greenie." he said.

"Thanks. You too." she responded with a grin.


Thomas watched the scene intently, and felt himself feeling proud of his friend. It was a late hour and his dark eyes were beginning to strain as he looked at the bright screens. He decided to go rest. He got up and shut the cameras off for a bit, sighing. The boy then walked to his bunk, laying down and letting the mattress cushion his tired body. He hoped Joan liked her new home. With everything that's happening in the world, he just hoped that she was happy.

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