Chapter 29

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2 more chapters of this book left! I hope you've enjoyed it!

Charlie ran around the block trying to move civilians out of the way but they all seemed to freeze on the spot as they watched the destruction of their city. "Move! Come on, Move out of the way!" People ran around screaming throwing their hands in the air as they ran. Charlie made sure everyone was a safe distance away from the fight before diving back in. She threw fire balls at his suit and when that didn't work she tried drowning him with water. "Ah Flame so pathetic, you can't defeat me, your to weak, your little balls of fire are nothing." Devil grabbed Charlie and threw her into a building. Peter watched from above as he tried to stop the crumbling buildings and for most buildings it worked, others not so much. Whoever was able to fly, was up in the sky using whatever power they could to defeat Devil. Thor came crashing down with bolts of lightening creating the ground to break beneath him. Tony, Rhodey and Wanda were all firing at Devil with whatever they could. The fight carried on like this for a while before Devil fled the scene leaving the Avengers suspicious.

Charlie groaned as she got out of the pile of rubble she was trapped underneath and limped over to the rest of the group. "What the hell was that? Why did he just up and leave?" "I don't know." The team made their way back to the tower and got themselves patched up and into comfortable clothes. Charlie's side hurt like hell and so did Peter's head. The pair sat in their room finding comfort in each other. Charlie drew circles on Peter's bare chest whilst he done the same on her covered hip. "I don't understand why he left, there has to be a reason, something their planning." Peter sighed and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry about it, the Avengers will figure it out." He leaned down and kissed her soft lips, she cupped his face and twisted her body so she could kiss him properly. Her fingers moved to the nape of his neck where she played with his hair. They stopped for air, panting heavily and looking into each others eyes.

They spent a few hours just relaxing after their fight that morning and the rest of the Avengers did the same. It was the afternoon when Charlie decided to go downstairs. She went into the kitchen and made herself a glass of juice and took it with her into the living room. She sat on the couch and turned on the TV, flicking through the channels. She finally settled on the news. "22 causalities at the scene of the Avengers fight today..." An envelope was dropped off and placed on the table which made Charlie suspicious. Mail was never bought up here. She placed down her glass and got off the sofa walking towards the letter. "JARVIS tell the team to come down here, now." She grabbed the letter and looked at it suspiciously. "Of course Charlie." She mumbled a thanks and ripped open the envelope. Inside was a hand written note.

Dear Avengers,

Meet me by the abandoned warehouse on Roman Street at 3:00 tomorrow if you are the heroes you say you are. Though not many people think that, look at all the causalities today, we wouldn't want that to happen again now would we? Meet me there or I will kill every roaming civilian.


The team piled into the room and saw the shocked expression on Charlie's face. "What's wrong?" Charlie turned to face them and waved the note in her hand. "Devil wants us to meet him tomorrow or he kills every walking civilian in his path." The Avengers shared a horrified look and Tony took the note and read it before rubbing his temples. An emergency meeting was called and they were discussing the options. "We have to meet him, if we don't people are going to die." Tony sat on one end of the table and the others were scattered on the sides. Charlie was sat on Peter's lap with her arms crossed over her chest. Steve was sat on the opposite side with his head hung low in annoyance. "If we do meet him how do you know he won't kill us? Or you? Your the one he's after." Charlie huffed in annoyance and stood up slamming her hands on the table. "Come on guys we have to meet him, we just have to come up with a way to break his suit, without that he's pretty much useless." Nat, Steve and Peter nodded in agreement whilst the others looked unsure. "How do we break the suit huh? We've tried and each time he beats us, it's useless, if we go tomorrow we're just gonna get our asses beat again." Tony slouched down into his chair rubbing his temples in frustration. "I have a way." Everyone averted their eyes to Charlie. "My energy core, it contains my powers or whatever right? If I can overuse my powers and explode the energy core it will explode and kill him." Everyone let it sink in before realising what she wanted to do. "It will work but that energy core is keeping you alive." "I know." Tony stared at her in shock. Peter grabbed her wrist causing her to look down. "Your not serious about this are you?" "Peter of course I am! I can end this guy and save New York, if I have the chance, why shouldn't I take it?"

Whatever happens, Devil will pay.

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