Chapter 24

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"Well, movie night will have to wait." Charlie pressed the bracelet on her wrist and her suit formed around her. Peter changed into his suit and the two went out ready to fight HYDRA. Peter tried tying up their legs with webs but it failed. Charlie sent balls of fire their way some managed to dodge, others weren't so lucky. A man came and swung at Charlie and she ducked and kicked his knees making him stumble. He landed a punch on her jaw and she swung for him. Peter was in a fight of his own and he kept getting distracted by looking at Charlie. Charlie however was to engaged in her fight to even get a glance at Peter. She was pretty sure she would have bruises everywhere after this. The man pulled out a small gun and Charlie smirked. "You wanna play dirty? I can play dirty." She took her twin blades out their holsters and lunged at the man. She managed to stab him in the shoulder and he clung onto it. He let out a grunt and began firing at Charlie she managed to dodge the bullets but one scraped against her shoulder and she groaned in pain. She ran to the man and kicked him in the knees making him double over making it easy for her to then jumped on his back with her legs around his neck and she threw him to the ground before stabbing him in the stomach, hoping it would keep him down. She went over to Peter who had taken down 2 agents in the time she had taken down one. They were back to back fighting off any agent that came their way. Charlie stabbed a man in the chest before he even got close to her but unfortunately he could still fire a gun, the bullet landed straight into Charlie's side and she cried out in pain. Peter luckily had just defeated the last agent and turned to Charlie as soon as he was done. His eyes went wide and he picked her up being careful about her wound and swung up and onto the buildings.

He arrived at the Avengers Tower a few minutes after and headed straight to Tony's lab. "Mr.Stark! We have a problem, again." Tony turned his head and saw Charlie yet again dying in Peter's arms. "I thought I told you to come back not dying." He groaned as he motioned for Peter to place her on the operation table. "Guess I have a knack for trouble." Charlie laughed but it made her spit out a bit of blood. Peter winced as he heard her dry laugh and turned his eyes away. Tony instantly hooked Charlie up to machines and put a sedative in her which immediately knocked her out. An hour or so later the bullet was out and she was all stitched up by the lovely Bruce Banner. Now they just had to wait for her to wake up. Luckily they didn't have to wait so long. "I feel like sh*t ." Charlie groaned as she rubbed her head. "Nice to see you too fire girl." Tony sat in the corner of the room tinkering with something. "Yeah, yeah whatever." Peter sat next to her letting out a little chuckle. Charlie's heart instantly relaxed as she heard his laugh and looked in the direction the sound came from. "Could you try to not get shot next time?" Charlie laughed but instantly regretted it as a shooting pain spread at her side. "Yeah don't move to much tough guy, you took quite the hit." Tony stopped tinkering and turned around in his swivel chair and looked at Charlie. "Yeah well I think I got the guy pretty well, stabbed him in the chest, I think that makes us pretty even." Charlie slowly sat up in the bed and winced a little as her side stung with each every movement. "You know you really baffle me sometimes, you just got shot and your cracking jokes like there's no tomorrow." Peter laughed and kissed Charlie's temple. Charlie smirked and pointed at Tony, "I hang out with him too much". Tony mocked offence and put a hand to his heart. "Don't drag me into this, this was your own doing." He smirked before turning back to his work, "You kids can stick around a while if you want, there's a TV upstairs and snacks in the cupboard. "Say no more." Charlie rushed out of bed and upstairs despite the pain nagging at her side and she heard Peter laugh at her before following suit.

Charlie's eyes widened as she remembered her plans with her friends. "Shoot! Peter we were supposed to have movie night!" Peter walked into the kitchen and lent against the counter top. "Don't worry I told them something came up." Charlie nodded and continued to take yummy snacks out of Tony's cupboards. She walked into the living room and flopped onto the couch putting all the food on the coffee table and grabbing the remote. Peter sat beside her laying his head on her thighs and she played with his hair, twisting his brunette locks in her finger. He closed his eyes letting himself relax in her presence. She smiled down at him and and continued to play with his hair. A few hours passed and both Charlie and Peter had fallen asleep on the couch. Food packets were scattered all over the table and the TV played softly in the background. Tony walked into the room and smiled at the scene. He grabbed a blanket and draped it across them both before taking a picture that he definitely was going to show the team later. Their relationship reminded him of Pepper an himself and a warm feeling spread through his heart.

Young love. Something so powerful, so strong. Yet it was so dangerous and would only tear you apart in the end, love was a dangerous game to play, you never knew if your opponent was a cheater or wanted to play fair and square, which makes you curious. You want to protect your partner, but what if you couldn't? When something bad happens, you feel responsible, guilty even, and it tears you apart...

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