Chapter 16

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Charlie was released a few days after, she was glad to say the least, the smell of hospital equipment was getting on her nerves. She was currently sitting in Peter's bed cuddled up against his chest. It was the weekend and Charlie couldn't wait to just relax, although her brother's death was still fresh in her mind, Charlie felt like she could finally go back to a somewhat normal life. Peter's hand traced small circles on Charlie's hip bone near her scar. His touch made her shudder a little but she didn't mind. "You know I really hate it." Peter furrowed his eyebrows at her statement. "All my scars, they make me look so ugly, hideous, I just wish  they would disappear." Charlie looked down at her fingers playing with them nervously. "I don't, I love them, they make you who you are, there a part of you, and I love every part of you Charlie Williams." Charlie blushed and looked up at Peter. His eyes glimmered in the light and they were full of admiration and love. Charlie loved Peter's eyes. One look at them and she knew she would be okay, she was safe. She placed a lingering kiss on his lips, one that left her lips tingling longing for more of his sweet taste. "I love you." Peter grinned from ear to ear at the girl. "I love you too."

The next morning Charlie woke with a smile on her face as she remembered hers and Peter's conversation last night. The brunette was fast asleep in her arms and whilst he was cute he was also extremely heavy. She shook his arms lightly. "Peter, get up my arm is numb." She giggled as he grabbed onto her waist. "Peter I'm serious your really heavy." At this Peter fake gasped and tickled her side making her fall into a fit of giggles. "Take that back." Peter continued to tickle her grinning at the sound of her childish giggles. "O-ok I take I-It back!" Charlie stopped laughing and stared at Peter."Your mean." She pouted her lips and folded her arms over her chest. "You said I was heavy!" Peter picked Charlie up bridal style and walked into the living area of the apartment. May stared at them questioningly as they came into her view but she couldn't help laughing at how childish they were. "Peter Benjamin Parker, put me down!" Charlie squealed as Peter carried her over his shoulder. She hit his back trying to set her self free but it wasn't working. Peter laughed in her ear sending a shiver down her spine. He placed her on the couch before falling to the floor in a fit of laughter. "Y-you squeal so l-loud!" He managed to let out as he rolled around the floor. Charlie sulked and looked over at May who was cooking their breakfast. "I don't love you anymore, I love May, she's nice to me." Charlie got off of the couch and strolled over to May who was laughing at Charlie's statement. Peter got off of the floor and walked over to the kitchen and joined the girls. "I'm sorry." "No your not, because your still laughing." Charlie was correct, Peter had tried to hold back his laugh but he couldn't and burst into laughter again.

After breakfast Charlie and Peter decided to take a walk around New York. The sun was blaring and there was a slight breeze that washed over the city. Charlie and Peter walked hand-in-hand through the streets talking about anything that came to mind."I think I'm going to go back to school tomorrow." Peter quickly turned his head towards Charlie. "Really? Will you be okay?" Charlie nodded. "Yeah I need to stop moping around, it's always going to be hard knowing that I'm never going to see him again, but I can't cry about it forever, if he was here he would tell me to stop being an idiot and get off my lazy ass." Charlie laughed lightly at the memory of her brother. She knew it was going to be tough and people would ask questions but she knew that Cameron wouldn't want her to change her life because he wasn't around. Peter smiled and placed a kiss on her temple. He was glad she was adjusting to a world without Cameron, he knew hard it was to let go of someone.

"The group really misses you, you know." Charlie chuckled. "Yeah I know they won't stop texting me, Harry says he misses his sass queen and that the group is lame when I'm not there." She let out another chuckle at Peter's fake hurt expression. "I'm offended, he's not my best friend anymore." The couple carried on their adventure through the streets walking in a comfortable silence. When they got back to the apartment May had just finished baking some cookies which the two teens instantly dived into. The rest of the afternoon the small family of 3 watched films and ate lots of unhealthy food.

After the 4th film Charlie and Peter retreated to the bedroom, ready to fall asleep on the spot. Peter went to the bathroom to wash his face and do his teeth whilst Charlie stole more of clothes to sleep in. She rummaged through his closet trying to find something to wear, what she didn't expect to stumble upon was Spider-man's suit. Charlie's hand flung to her mouth as she let out a loud gasp. Peter was Spider-man. She took the suit out and sat on the edge of his bed, the material smooth on her fingers. It made sense, why he was always sneaking out, why he was always defensive about Spider-man. The door handle clicked and Charlie didn't bother moving, she knew it was Peter. He stepped into the room and spotted Charlie on the bed, holding his Spider-man suit. He sighed in defeat knowing there was no point arguing with her. "Your Spider-man." There was a moment of silence before Peter spoke. " Yeah, I-uh was bitten by a spider at the Oscorp building, I was really sick for a few days, when I found out I had the powers I wanted to use them for helping people, so that's what I did. Peter studied her expression carefully, he wasn't sure if she was angry or hurt. "I'm not angry at you Peter, I-I just, why didn't you tell me when I told you about me being the Flame?" Peter sat down on the bed next to her taking her hand in his. "I didn't want you getting hurt, if you knew, people might come after you to get me, I can't have that." Charlie looked up at his face, he looked in pain. She dropped the suit onto the bed and took his face into her hands and pressed her lips against his, her stomach exploding with fireworks. "Peter, you can't protect me forever, there's always going to be people after me, we just have to make sure we win the fight, together." Peter smiled. "Together."

I'm sorry about the weird plot thing, basically Peter has already got the suit Tony made him and he is already close with Tony and Ned already knows that he is Spider-man.

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