Chapter 17

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"You must be Miss Williams." Charlie stood frozen in Peter's living room. Tony Stark was sat on the couch. "Uh yeah that's me." May was sat on the other end of the couch and Peter was stood next to Charlie and arm around her waist. "You didn't tell me you applied for the Stark Internship too Charlie!" Charlie furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at Peter. "Just go with it." Charlie nodded and put on her best smile. "Oh yeah, I was going to uh surprise you!" May seemed to buy Charlie's lie and smiled. "Could I talk to them for a few minutes?" Tony faced May. "Yes of course!" Tony got off of the couch and walked in the direction of Peter's room. Peter and Charlie trailed behind. Peter shut the door behind him when they all entered the room. "What the hell is going on?" Charlie looked at the two people in the room waiting for an answer. "I've heard a lot about you Charlie, your the fire girl, right?" Charlie nearly choked on air. "It's Flame actually, but yes, that is me." Charlie corrected the billionaire which shocked him a little bit. "Yeah whatever, well I want to make you a suit, you can't fight crime in that top and leggings the rest of your life." Charlie huffed. "Yeah well, it was the first thing I found, I didn't particularly expect to become a superhero, so I just grabbed whatever I could find, unlike you I don't just throw money around, buying materials to make a suit." Peter stood by the door watching the conversation, he found it strange that she wasn't freaking out in the presence of the billionaire like he did, she was just acting so, normal. "I like you kid, you've got attitude, usually when people meet me they freak out." Charlie crossed her arms over chest and looked over at her boyfriend who was leaning against the door. "Yeah well I'm not like most people, your not that intimidating, your just a guy that wears a suit of armour and throws his money around, spending it on rubbish." Tony faked a hurt expression, putting his hand to his heart dramatically and Charlie just rolled her eyes. She let out a little chuckle before going back to serious. "Pete, you can come closer you know, he's not going to eat you." Charlie went towards Peter taking his hand in hers and dragging him closer to Tony. "Anyway like I said I'm here because I want to make you a suit and give you Happy's number in case you find yourself in trouble. both of you come to the Avengers Tower tomorrow at 6." He handed Charlie a piece of paper and strolled out of the room, thanking May on his way out of the apartment. Charlie turned around facing Peter, who snaked his arms around her slim waist. "Well I didn't expect him to be here." Charlie lightly chuckled pecking Peter's lips quickly before retrieving her homework from her bag and sitting in the swivel chair. "Neither did I, I'm guessing you want my help?" Charlie nodded and Peter made his way over to her resting his hands on her shoulders.

The next morning Charlie woke up to Peter singing Umbrella in the bedroom. She groaned slightly before chucking the covers off. She looked up and saw Peter in a pair of jeans and looking through his closet. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his torso from behind. "Hello, glad to know your awake, we have to leave for school in 20 minutes." He chuckled slightly as he heard her sigh. He unwrapped her arms from his waist and pulled her into the kitchen. "Now eat breakfast and brush your teeth." He kissed her cheek before disappearing again. Charlie followed his orders, making herself some buttered toast. She scrolled through her phone messaging some of her friends every now and then. When she finished she done her teeth and let her natural curls lose from the bun they were in. She brushed through them and lightly hummed a song she had taken a liking to recently. When she got to the bedroom Peter was sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone. Charlie looked through her clothes and settled on a tight grey dress and some white high top converse. "I'll leave you to get dressed, I finished your chemistry homework for you." Charlie smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, you're a life saver." She locked the door and got dressed, throwing her old clothes in the washing basket. She grabbed her phone and bag and headed out of the apartment with Peter. They walked hand-in-hand all the way to school. Charlie enjoyed walking with Peter, he made her comfortable and whenever he was around she couldn't help but smile.

When they walked through the school gates Charlie was attacked with hugs from her friends. They did the same thing yesterday too, she didn't mind though, she had missed them a lot, they were like her family. "Hey loser." Charlie saw Michelle approach them, her head stuck in a new book. "Hey MJ." Charlie giggled and wrapped her arm around MJ's shoulder. Ned approached them a few minutes later with a big grin on his face. The group of 4 walked to class together not a care in the world. This is what Charlie lived for, a normal life, with normal friends she knew that things would never be the same because she was a superhero now and people had began to notice her appearance around the city. Now she was also on Tony Stark's radar which meant she may be needed by him as well Peter. Spider-man and Flame made a great duo both Peter and Charlie thought so and they were excited to go out and find crime together, it was a time for them to be free and do whatever they wanted. Charlie could finally say she was happy at this point in her life, sure she had lost her brother and she wasn't sure if she was ever going to see her mother again but she had a family here. She had May, Peter, Michelle and Ned and for her that was enough, she didn't need anybody else because these people were enough and always would be.

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