Chapter 19

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Charlie woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. She had no idea where it came from but it was causing her a lot of pain. "You shouldn't come to school today, if it hurts that much." Peter tried to argue with her but she was far to stubborn. "Babe I'll be fine I promise." She of course was lying, she didn't want to worry Peter he already did it often anyway, she would just have to push through the day, besides it was only a headache.

After a short walk to school the couple parted ways to go to their lockers. "I see your back, don't think I'll go easy on you just cause your brother died Williams." Charlie didn't need to look up to know who it was. Britney freaking Carr. Charlie shrugged it off not wanting to deal with her right now. Britney clearly wasn't having it and shoved Charlie straight into the lockers. It barely affected her because of her super strength but she still had to pretend. She was guessing Peter heard the loud clang of her body being thrown against the lockers as he came rushing through the crowd. Despite his desperate calls for her to stop Charlie proceeded to get up, wipe the blood off of her mouth and punch Britney in the jaw. Satisfied with her work, Charlie turned around and left picking up her school bag on the way. "Miss Williams, Miss Carr detention for a week." Charlie cursed at herself before walking back to her locker. A familiar pair of arms wrapped around her waist. "Are you ok?" Charlie paused and looked up seeing Peter hovering over her. "I'm fine Pete, didn't help my headache though." She groaned as she lightly rubbed her head hoping it would ease her headache but it was no use. "Maybe you should go home, I'm sure May wouldn't mind." Peter placed a light kiss on her neck which made her heart flutter and her insides flip. Peter smirked knowing the affect he had on her. He found it adorable whenever she blushed at his touch. "Stop it Peter, I can already see you smirking, it's not funny, stop being a tease." Charlie turned around eyeing him sternly. She was craving Peter's touch but she knew she couldn't get distracted, she still had lots of school work to catch up on.

The bell rang and the pair walked to their Chemistry class excited to see their friends. The whole class Charlie desperately tried to ease her headache, it was growing worse by the second. She had tuned out the voices of everybody in the class, trying to focus on erasing her headache. Peter watched her from a distance, noticing how her eyebrows were furrowed and she was lightly nibbling at her bottom lip. He wanted to ask her what was wrong but he couldn't, not until the bell went and they were dismissed. Charlie however couldn't sit in the classroom a minute longer. It was like all the sounds that were unnoticeable had become louder. The ticking of the clock filled her head and the heart beats of her peers grew louder, filling her ears. She covered her ears with her clammy hands trying to block out the noise but it was useless. She scrambled to her feet, throwing her back pack over her shoulder and stumbled out of the door ignoring the shouts from her teacher.She tried to steady her breathing, gripping tightly onto her chest. Her head was spinning and her her hands shook. Not even a minute later Peter had run out of the classroom and stopped in his tracks as he spotted Charlie on the floor. "Hey, hey it's ok..." Peter crouched down in front of her taking her trembling hands in his. "Hey, look at me..." Peter constantly tried to calm her breathing but it was easier said than done. "Charlie you have to breathe with me, come on..." Charlie tried to copy Peter and she was doing it ever so slightly, she was more concentrated on the pain that flowed through her body. She gripped onto Peter's hands tightly, making her knuckles turn white. She didn't want to hurt him but her pain was unbearable and she needed something to hold onto. Peter cautiously leaned in and kissed her lips softly, hoping it was a distraction and lucky for him it worked. Charlie pulled away feeling her chest rise and fall normally again. She stared up at Peter and patted the space next to her, motioning for him to sit down. He obliged and sat on the cold floor,leaning his back on the concrete wall. Charlie rested her head on his shoulder as she thought about what just happened. "What was that, Charlie?" Peter looked down at the girl, worry clear in his eyes. "Honestly... I don't know, it just suddenly felt like my chest was closing in and my head was pounding, every little sound grew 10 times louder." Peter wrapped his arms around her and placed a kiss on her head just as the bell rung.

"Are you going to be okay?" Peter asked helping her to feet. "Yeah if anything happens I have Michelle." She pecked his lips before walking to her next class. Peter was very worried about her, she had never acted like that before apart from Cameron's death, he just hoped it was a one time thing. Charlie however felt that it was definitely was going to become a regular thing, there was nothing in general to prove it but she just had a dark feeling in the pit of her stomach, that this, was far from over. This was just the beginning, that's what scared her the most.

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