Chapter 23

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"That is so not true, Juliet wouldn't have killed herself if she didn't fall in love with Romeo."Charlie and Michelle were walking with the boys, they were arguing over Romeo and Juliet and Charlie was winning. "It wasn't Romeo's fault he thought she was dead." Peter watched Charlie as she made her points and he found it adorable how in to the conversation she was, her eyebrows were furrowed and she was biting the inside of her lip which instantly made Peter's heart flutter. She walked with books in her hands and her eyes were searching the halls. Peter stood next to her with his arm around her shoulder. Ned stood beside Peter and MJ and Harry were stood next to Charlie. Charlie enjoyed this moment. She was with the people she loved and she was smiling. She was going to make the most of her time because who knows what could happen.

The group walked into class heading straight to their assigned seats. Charlie had managed to cover her energy core pretty well and she was glad, god knows what would happen if anybody found out. She sat down and placed her bag on the floor. She felt something hit her head and she turned around and saw Britney and her friends snickering and a piece of paper scrunched up on the floor. She rolled her eyes before turning back around to focus on the lesson. "Just ignore them." Michelle leaned in to whisper to Charlie and she just nodded and sent Michelle a smile. Peter and Ned were on the other side of the classroom watching Britney and Charlie and Harry had fallen asleep in the back of the class. Charlie felt more paper being thrown at her head and she turned around and glared at Britney. "What are you gonna do? Get your big Brother? Oh wait you can't, because he's dead." Tears glistened in Charlie's eyes and she tried desperately to not breakdown in front of the class. All the attention had been turned onto Charlie and she hated it, she hated attention. Her breathing quickened and she choked on her own sobs. "Your a cold hearted bitch." Charlie grabbed her bags and ran out of the classroom Peter was following not to far behind. Charlie sunk to her knees letting out all of her pain and heartbreak that she felt for her brother's death. Britney had no right to talk about her brother. Peter heard her sobs, they were like desperate calls for help and his heart broke a little. He sat by her side as she cried and he pulled her into his chest letting her cry all her problems away. He kissed her head lightly as he stroked her hair. She had been bottling up all of her emotions about the crash and she finally broke. "Please don't leave me, your all I have Peter." Charlie looked up at Peter with her teary eyes. "I wouldn't dream of it." There lips connected in a sweet kiss and Charlie finally felt okay again. "I love you." "I love you too." The pair spent the rest of the lesson sat there in each others arms with zero cares in the world, that would soon change.

Charlie and Peter joined Ned, Harry and MJ at their usual table and instantly joined in on their conversation. Charlie was still hurting from her little breakdown earlier but she knew that she could handle it. "What do you say we have a movie night tonight?" Charlie nodded her head in agreement. "Ok my place at 6:30 bring snacks." Ned excitedly ate the rest of his lunch. Charlie was excited to finally do something normal for a change. Peter was just as excited as he hadn't hung out with his friends for a while. The rest of school whizzed by and Charlie and Peter were walking out of the gates hand-in-hand. "Are you okay now?" Charlie nodded as she stared out at the streets. They were full of life, buzzing with people. They walked to the subway in a comfortable silence when gunshots sounded from the distance. Peter and immediately ran in that direction. "It's HYDRA, what do they want?" Peter glanced her with the same worried expression, "I don't know."

This Chapters a little bit shorter than usual sorry!

Hope your enjoying the book so far!

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