Chapter 26

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Charlie opened her eyes slowly as her head pounded. The smell of rusted metal met her nostrils and she shrivelled her nose up in disgust. She found out she was in a cell. The walls were very old, covered in rust and red splatters, she was hoping it wasn't what she thought it was. She shook off her thoughts and focused on getting up from the floor.  She used the wall for support and slowly rose to her feet. She walked over to the metal bars gripping onto them tightly. "Hello! Anyone! Let me out!" She screamed praying that somebody was around and that they would let her go but she was only met with a cackle, his cackle. "Your a foolish child, your not getting out of here, their not going to save you!" He stood in front of her his breath lingering in the air. It smelt of cigarettes and alcohol. She turned away from him feeling sick by the smell of his breath. "You are a great use to us, you will help us create peace, whether you like it or not." With that he walked away leaving Charlie to her thoughts, a dangerous place, a place that could cause insecurity and bring hope to a situation where hope can no longer be placed.

Charlie sunk to the floor her knees bought up to her chest. She told herself to believe, believe in Peter, believe in the Avengers, just believe.  

Avengers tower-

"What do you mean she was taken?" The Avengers sat in the living room discussing what Peter had just witnessed. "W-we were going for our patrol and t-then we w-were on the rooftop and then this man came out and took Charlie and said that you had to give him the blueprints for your suit otherwise they'll kill her." Peter paced up and down the space, every Avenger had their eyes trained on him in concern. "Who was he? What did he look like?" Peter stopped and faced the group. "I-I don't know but I know it was HYDRA, I saw the symbol on his jacket." Peter walked over to a chair and plopped himself in it, nervously moving his fingers through his hair. "She'll be ok, calm down, she's strong she can handle herself." Tony patted the boys shoulder trying to show some sort of comfort. "Just because she can doesn't mean she should have to and how long will she have to stay strong? How long will it be before they break her?" Everyone stayed silent letting the teenage boys words sink in. Bucky sat in the corner thinking about HYDRA he knew them pretty well and he knew that Charlie would barely survive in there, HYDRA don't play nice. "He's right, it took them at least a month to completely ruin me, turn me into The Winter Soldier, it could take them much quicker with her." Everyone looked in shock, Bucky wasn't one to speak or state his opinion. Bucky nervously cleared his throat as he saw everyone's gazes on him. "Bucky has a point, he knows HYDRA well and I think we all know that they don't waste time, we need to think fast." Steve crossed his arms over his chest and paced slowly through the living room. "We can't just arrive their and be like'give us the girl back' they'll kill us." Tony stared at Steve and then back at Peter who was nervously bobbing his legs up and down. "I have to go back home soon, May thinks that me and Charlie went to to sleep." Peter spoke up and everybody paused. Tony patted his shoulder and guided him to the elevator. "Alright kid, come over tomorrow, we'll find her I promise." With that Peter nodded and stood in the elevator waiting for the doors to close.

Hydra base

Charlie fidgeted as the doctors strapped her to the metal table. "Stop squirming, your only going to hurt yourself more." The doctor gave her an evil grin as he tightened the straps on her wrist. The cool metal of the table sent shivers down Charlie's spine, the leather straps dig into her skin drawing blood with their sharp edges. Machines beeped in the background and the low murmurs of doctors could be heard in the room. Charlie was scared but she wasn't going to show it, she had her poker face on and when the doctor approached her with a needle she didn't squirm she just sat there sending him a glare. She had no idea what these detrimental men wanted but she was going to make sure they wouldn't get it. "Now hold still Flame, this will hurt...a lot." A needle pierced into her skin causing a tingly feeling which she easily pushed aside. However the feeling that came afterwards, she couldn't push away so easily. It was like her whole body was on fire, it was itching away at her skin. She let out a scream and thrashed her arms around trying to escape but failed miserably. Another needle went into her skin and she shivered under it's touch. Sweat dripped down her forehead and her hands trembled. She was showing weakness, she had to stay strong. The pain was bearable that time so she didn't scream, she didn't do anything but lay perfectly still. "What do you want with me?" A man walked into the room staring at Charlie with mischievous eyes. "You have the power of the Tesseract, we need it, that's why your here." The man walked towards the doctors and scanned the computer screens. Charlie glared holes into the back of his head,she was beyond pissed. "Just let me go you freaks or it will be your funeral." The man laughed and turned to Charlie revealing his scared face. "The Avengers aren't coming for you,they never will, your ours now."

After more testing Charlie was thrown back into her cell were she curled herself up into a ball, rocking back and forth. She felt so much pain and it was like the day was swirling around in her head. "Come on Peter, I believe."

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