Chapter 20

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Charlie was right. She had been getting nose bleeds and her pain had been increasing as well as constantly vomiting. However when ever Ned, Peter and Michelle asked if she was okay she would reply with 'I'm fine'. She didn't want everyone worrying about her. It was becoming evident she wasn't okay though, her skin was turning pale and bags were heavy under her eyes. She had also lost of weight despite how much she ate. Peter was the first to notice seeing as he lived with her, he would hear her vomiting at night when she thought no one was awake. Flame had been making less of an appearance which made Tony and the other Avengers slightly worried. Peter kept suggesting that she should go to the hospital but Charlie quickly declined.

Charlie got out of bed feeling the unsettling feeling in her stomach and ran to the bathroom. Emptying her dinner into the toilet bowl. After making sure there was nothing else to empty Charlie propped herself against the wall her hands loosely hanging by her side. If it was even possible her skin had gotten paler and her legs felt like jelly. She tried to rise to her feet only for her knees to buckle and her body thudded against the cold tiled floor. This instantly alerted Peter, he yet again was awake listening to Charlie vomit and he had had enough. He got out of the bed and moved quickly to the bathroom where Charlie rested her head on her knees, her hair on either side of her face. "Hey..." Peter sat beside her taking in her appearance, she didn't look anything like the Charlie he knew, she looked so weak and fragile yet she was still acting tough. "Hey...Pete you can go back to sleep, I'll be there in a few minutes I just need to brush my teeth." Peter sighed, he didn't want her carrying on if she was like this, he was so worried that she would break under his touch, she had gotten so thin in the last couple of days. "Charlie... you need to see a doctor and stay at home... your not fine.." Charlie pushed herself up using the wall to lean on and faced Peter. "I am fine baby I promise." She gave him the most reassuring smile she could before turning to the sink and brushing her teeth. Peter was to tired to argue with her, he also knew that it was useless trying to argue with her because she is too stubborn to back down. He sighed in defeat and padded his way back to the bedroom and tucking himself under the covers. A few minutes later Charlie came into the room and laid down in the bed next to him, hiding her face in the crook of his neck taking in his sweet scent. Peter shuddered a little bit at the feeling of her warm breath on his skin but shook it off and wrapped his arms delicately around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

The next morning had been the same, everyone telling Charlie to go home and then her telling them she was fine. Her insides were telling her otherwise. It was like her lungs were on fire, she constantly had a pounding in her head. She brushed it off as best as she could and carried on with her day. Currently she was sitting at her usual lunch table with her usual friends. "For a sass queen you really ain't looking to sassy today." Harry commented which Charlie sent him a glare in return. "I'm fine Harry, it will pass, we just have to give it time." Charlie picked at her salad with her fork avoiding everyone's gaze. She felt Peter's hand intertwine with hers and looked over at the brunette boy. He sent her a message through his eyes and she knew exactly what it meant. "I'm fine, the minute I start dying is when you can take me to the hospital, okay?" She huffed out in annoyance and pushed away her salad, not being able to eat it anymore. Peter looked at her questioningly, he was growing more concerned for her health everyday. He just didn't understand why she didn't care that she was incredibly ill. The bell rang and everybody said their goodbyes. Peter caught Charlie's wrist and pulled her aside. "Charlie, what is up with you?" Charlie looked at him a confused expression on her face. "Nothing is up with me Peter, I'm perfectly fine and whilst I appreciate everyone's concern, I can handle myself and I'm not going to the hospital unless I feel it's necessary." Peter grabbed hold of her hands and looked into her eyes. "I love you, you know that right? I just want to make sure your ok." Charlie smiled. "I know and I love you too Peter, so much." She pecked his lips, lingering for a second longer before walking to her next class.

She sat in the classroom, tapping her foot impatiently against the floor. She felt exhausted, her heart was practically beating out of her chest and she was trying to desperately to calm it down. She wasn't sure where all this strange behaviour was coming from and it was itching away at her brain. As the lesson progressed so did Charlie's headache. She felt a small trickle down her face and her hand flew to her nose. She dashed out of the classroom taking her backpack with her.When she removed her hand the blood was, purple. Charlie gasped and ran to the lesson she knew Peter and Ned had. She stumbled through the robotics lab and ran over to Peter and Ned. The robotics teacher didn't really notice Charlie enter as he was to busy playing a crossword. "Peter!" She reached Peter and tapped him on the shoulder. "Charlie, what are you doing here-" He cut off his own sentence as he saw the blood dripping from her hands. "My blood is-purple! What is happening?" Charlie suddenly felt uneasy and slightly dizzy. She tried to keep her composure but instead collapsed to the floor. Ned watched her carefully, his eyes widening when he saw the purple liquid. Peter rushed to the floor carrying Charlie bridal style out of the classroom and placing her on the floor outside. What the hell is happening?

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