Chapter 12

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"Wake up, Peter come on, we have to go to school." Charlie shook Peter, trying to wake him up, she was going back to school today and she was excited but she couldn't get out of bed because Peter's grip on her waist was too tight. "If I don't let you go, we can't go to school." Peter mumbled into his pillow, a devilish grin on his face.Smacking him lightly on the arm Charlie tried to wriggle free, instead she ended up in a laughing fit as she fell off of the bed pulling Peter with her. They ended up in a heap on the floor. Peter was hovering over Charlie, his hand on the ground to stop him from falling on top of her. Peter let out a little chuckle and stared own at the laughing girl. In that moment his heart stopped. She looked so beautiful. Her eyes were crinkled at the side, her dimples were visible and her smile was wide. He knew in that moment that he was in love with this girl. "You can't escape now." Charlie tried shoving him off but he was stronger than her so she gave up with a huff. "Your so unfair, we're going to get detention if we're late."Peter pecked her lips before getting up and holding out his hand for her. She gladly took it and rose to her feet. She walked out of the bedroom and entered the kitchen. "Morning May." May was serving pancakes onto plates and placing them down on the table. "Morning Charlie, there's pancakes for breakfast." "Thank you, do you need any help?" "No, it's alright, go get Peter and Cameron would you?" Charlie gave her a smile and nodded before walking to the spare room Cameron was sleeping in. "Cam." She knocked on the door and when she didn't get a reply she opened the door. Cameron was still asleep. "Cam wake up, May's cooked breakfast." Cameron groaned before rubbing his eyes and opening them. "I'll be there in a minute." Charlie nodded and began walking to Peter's room. She admired all the family photos in the hallway. Some of them had Peter, May and Ben in them whilst others just had May and Peter. Charlie had always loved the idea of family photos, there used to be loads of them in her house, they were pictures from when her dad was alive but when he died her mother had lashed out and broken most of the frames along with some of the furniture. A single tear slid down Charlie's cheek as she remembered her father. Not a day goes by where she doesn't miss him. There will always be a void in her heart where her father was suppose to be.

"There you are, you okay?" Charlie placed the photo frame back down on the unit and turned around to see Peter.She wiped the tear that slid down her cheek and wiped it onto her pyjama bottoms. "Yeah, just looking at these photos, it reminds me of dad, I guess I just really miss him." Peter walked closer grabbing her hands in his and placing a kiss on her forehead. "I'm sure he's very proud of you." Charlie smiled and wrapped her arms around his torso. "Kid's, breakfast is served!" Charlie let go of Peter and walked to the kitchen and she sat down at the table where May and Cameron were waiting. "It smells amazing May." Everyone began digging in, enjoying their time together before they had to separate and go their different ways for the day.

When breakfast was over Charlie went to get dressed. She searched through her bag only to realise, she didn't have anymore t-shirts. "Hey, just came to get some clothes, I'll get ready in the bathroom." Peter came in and took some clothes from his wardrobe before leaving and shutting the door behind him. Charlie locked the door and began getting dressed, she stole another one of Peter's t-shirts and tucked it into her jeans as it was very baggy on her slim figure.A knock came from the door and Charlie quickly went over and unlocked it. "Hey, I'm taking today off of work to begin packing up the house, you can come over after school if you want and pack up your stuff."m "Yeah I'll be there." Cameron embraced his sister before walking out of the apartment. Charlie threw her clothes into the washing basket before redoing her hair. "You seriously need to get your own clothes." Peter was stood at the door with a smirk on his face and his t-shirt in his hands. Charlie stared at his toned stomach, she had no idea that Peter Parker was "And you need to put a shirt on." Peter's grin grew as he began putting his t-shirt on. "What, am I to distracting for you Williams?" He walked over to Charlie and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Maybe you are Parker, but we have a school to get to, so let's go." She unwrapped his arms from her waist and held his hand instead as they grabbed their bags and walked to school. They walked to school hand in hand and Peter was currently teasing Charlie about her height. "I'll grow one day and then I'll be taller than you and you'll fear me." Charlie sulked whilst Peter laughed."...Okay, I'll be waiting for that day." He kissed the top of her head and dragged her through the school halls. "Charlie!" Charlie was tackle to the ground by Michelle and Peter let go of her hand just in time.

"Michelle I need to breathe."Charlie patted her best friends back, signalling for her to get up. Michelle got up and pulled Charlie up with her and pulled her into a hug. "Where's my Michelle and what did you do with her?" Charlie giggled accepting Michelle's hug. "Shut up dork, I missed you, I thought you was gonna die." Michelle playfully slapped Charlie's arm. Ned came next and gave Charlie a hug instead of tackling her to the floor. People were already staring but Charlie didn't care she was just excited to finally go back to school. Charlie walked back over to Peter and wrapped her arms around his waist. He copied her actions and lent his chin on her head. "Finally, what took you so long?" Peter chuckled. "Well it took a bullet to my abdomen so I don't think we should complain." Charlie laughed as her and her friends began walking to homeroom. Charlie was dreading the day ahead of her, there was going to be a lot of school work for her to complete.

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