Chapter 14

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They were driving home from school when it happened. Charlie was telling Cameron all about her and Peters English project and then it happened. The car came swerving into the side and the blinding lights flashed. Charlie heard her brother scream and she saw the car swerve into the bridge breaking it in the process. She remembered the car dangling over the rushing water underneath the bridge, calling for her to fall. She remembered the feeling of the cool metal jammed into her side. She remembered the screams from the viewers outside. She remembered watching the engine blow into flames. She definitely remembered the paramedics announcing her brothers death but she refused to believe it. Now she sat in the back of an ambulance with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, a figure was stood next to her but she couldn't hear what they were saying. All sounds where morphed into one, creating a blur almost. Charlie couldn't focus, her head was spinning and it was like she had a void growing in her heart. She didn't feel anything. Her expression was emotionless all she could do was stare in front of her at the car that dangled off of the bridge.

The car she had spent so many summers sitting in, the car she would sneak into to eat late night ice cream, the car that took her on everlasting adventures, the car she laughed in, the care she was just Charlie Williams in not the girl with a dead father, with the alcoholic mother, with a brother as a best friend, just plain Charlie Williams, the Charlie Williams Cameron loved and the car that was her and her brothers happy place, only now it was destroyed and her happiness had been demolished. Everything around Charlie was spinning, apart from the familiar brunette haired boy pushing his way through the crowds shouting her name. Still Charlie looked forward blocking out everything else.

Peter pushed through the crowds of police and paramedics, he needed to get to Charlie. When he saw it on the news his stomach dropped and his skin grew pale. When he managed to get through the crowd he ran straight to the ambulance that he saw Charlie sitting in. "Charlie?" He stared down at her, she didn't look the same, her face was pale, the only colour was the blood coming from the cuts on her face, she shook violently and she was staring, at nothing. He crouched down in front her taking her shaky hands in his stable ones. "Hey Charlie, look at me, you don't want to look at that, look at me." He watched as her gaze landed on her brothers dead body getting put into an ambulance. Letting out a loud sigh Peter turned back to Charlie tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and caressing her cheek. He kissed the top of her head, staring at her with nothing but worry.

He got up and walked over to the paramedics. "Why isn't she responding to anything?" The paramedic looked up from her clipboard and looked at the desperate boy. " She's in a state of shock, her brain is still trying to process the crash, it hasn't caught up yet, she could be like this for a few more hours, all we can do is attend to her wounds and then leave her to do what she needs to."Peter nodded before turning around to face Charlie. He knew what it was like to lose somebody and he knew she did too because she had lost her dad, but that was many yeas ago and he knew that dealing with Cameron's death was going to be a lot harder to process. The crowd disappeared leaving the police and paramedics on the scene. They told Peter that Charlie was free to go and that they would call in a few days to sort out what they were going to do with Cameron's body. Peter held Charlie close to him as he called Aunt May asking if she could come and pick them up.

The car journey back to the apartment was quite. Peter just stared at Charlie praying that she would talk to him but she didn't say a word. May was worried about Charlie, she was as still as a pencil and as pale as a ghost. She knew it would take a lot of time for her to heal, Cameron was the only family member she had left and she had just lost him. May understood the pain, she felt it when she lost the love of her life, it never went away it just got easier.

They pulled up to their apartment building and Peter held onto Charlie tightly as they guided her to the apartment. "I'm going to have a shower." Peter and May held back shocked expressions as Charlie spoke. She hadn't spoke since she was pulled out of the wrecked car that  dangled off of the bridge. Peter simply nodded, his eyes full of worry. He didn't want her doing anything reckless, like he did. Charlie tumbled her way to the bathroom opening the door with her weak hands.

Her heart ached more with each step, it was like someone was clawing at her throat and she grabbed it desperately, her head throbbed in pain. She tried to breathe but she couldn't. Her mind was racing, torturing her with every memory of her brother. She stepped into the shower, not bothering to take her clothes off and turned the water on letting it soak her. Sliding down the wall, she sat in the bathtub as the shower head hung above her, the water droplets making contact with her dirty skin. She let out a small whimper which led to a sob. Her hands were tangled into her wet hair and her head lent against the tiled wall of the bathroom. She hadn't realised that she had left the door open until Peter walked in a look of sympathy on his face. "I-I...can't... P-Peter... it h-hurts..." The tears were flowing down her cheeks and her hands held onto her chest as she felt her heart slowly break. Peter rushed to her side turning off the shower and embracing her in his arms. He kissed her hair and stroked the small of her back. "It'll be okay baby I promise..."

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