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❝ pain is always there,
suffering is a choice ❞


6th of april, 2018


"don't kick me, i just want to talk to her."

"uh, aloha?"

"oh hey lan- that's not lani. you're a dude."

"yes i am, thank you for noticing."

"who the hell are you?"

"i'm jackson, one of lani's, well i don't really know lani but i think she's my friend."

"oh right. if you don't know
her, then why did you
ring her?"

"oh, i was calling for my buddy noah. he's too much of a pussy to do it himself."

"don't say that you dick."

"is that the city boy?"

"jesus why does everyone keep calling me that?"

"be quiet, i'm on the phone."

"he wanted to ring to tell lani something, but it doesn't matter. he can call her later."

"what does he want to tell her?
i don't mind passing on the information."

"it doesn't matter anymore."

"noah, says it doesn't matter."

"okaaaay then. later."


"Dude, you can't just book a flight for Hawaii and then cancel it ten minutes later," Jackson, also known as Jack, tells Noah as he grabs his laptop from his desk.

"She has a boyfriend, there's no point. Plus, the flights are not until July, it's not as though I was ready to get up and leave tomorrow," Noah replies with frustration. However Jack doesn't seem too convinced, and with one force, Jack shuts Noah's laptop shut.

"Listen bro, you don't know who that guy was- he could of been anyone. Her boyfriend, best friend or brother," he huffs, sending Noah raised eyebrows. "She likes you. And even if she doesn't, we've been saving up to go to Hawaii for years; we will still have a good time," he finalises.

Noah pushes back his hair, thinking back to the conversation he had with Lani about his hair colour. It's stupid really. Every little thing Noah does, or thinks for that matter, is linked to her. She is in his thoughts, his dreams; Noah has got to meet her one way or another. "Whatever," he sighs putting his laptop back on his desk.

"Look, we are going to go to Hawaii in the summer, whether you like it or not. If Lani just happens to show up, then at least you will get to meet her," Jack tells Noah with assertiveness.

Noah rolls his eyes and sits up on his bed, "That's the problem Jackson. I don't just want to meet her. I want to fall in-, I want to spend summer with her. Hell, I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want to lo-, hold her and laugh with her."

"Okay, that's enough bro. That's never going to happen; she lives there and we live here. Your lives are totally different," Jackson explains to Noah with furrowed eyebrows.

Noah isn't really paying attention to Jackson- he disregards everything negative he has to say and only thinks about her.

Noah is going to meet Lani, and Lani is going to meet Noah.

Noah cringes at his own thoughts, but he knows he's right.

He's got to know who she is.


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