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❝ you're too good
for someone
who isn't
sure about you ❞


28th of march, 2018


i am so freaking happy.

like actually so happy i could scream.

noah, are you ignoring me again?

you know, i really don't appreciate this treatment. i'm so nice to you and you just ignore me all the time.

jesus, do you take drugs
or something?

no, just naps.

okay, that was kind of funny. seriously though, it's 9
in the morning; i've had like
3 hours sleep because of you.

so everything is my fault now?


what did i do to deserve your sweet words and delightful personality
my love?

you don't deserve my
delightful personality.


anyway, why are you so
hyper then?

it's my birthday!!!!

wait. so you're 19?

no i'm 18.

but you told me you already were 18.

well yeah. i was days off being 18 so i was practically 18 already.

oh right. are you not at school now? shouldn't you be doing work or something?

free period, i'm sat in the food hall
eating melted ice cream lmao.

are you not at school?

ice cream is gods gift.

and yeah, but i'm in french class and we never do anything because no one knows what the teacher is talking about.

i hate hate french wow. how does my teacher expect me to speak french, when i can barely speak english???




oooo hello my love.

that's definitely not noah.

what? yes it is.

this is noah's full form.

no form of noah would call
me "love" willingly.

you know him too well.

i guess i do.

so you must be the beloved
best friend, right?

yes sir. the name is jackson.

like from hannah montana???

i've never watched hannah montana so i wouldn't know.

but i do know that song that goes "you get the best of both worlds". i sing that song in the shower.

me too!! jackson, we are kindred spirits! tell noah i'm not speaking to him never again. you're my love now.

ahah yes lmao!! but if i told noah that, he'd probably kick me in the balls.


nah, noah's violent. but not THAT violent.

i'm being completely serious.



i hope you are enjoying this conversation because he literally looks like he's going to kill me right now.

hahaha awh bless him. my love
is a feisty one.





HAHAHAHA. omg noah just got sent to detention for hitting me lmao.


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