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❝ underestimate me, that will be fun ❞


31st of march, 2018




"is everything okay?"


"you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. but know that i'm always here."


"lan, everything will be okay in the end."


"and if everything isn't okay, remember that it's not the end."

"my mama is dying."


"she's had leukaemia for the past year."

"lani i'm sorry."

"i don't want your sympathy. it's
not your fault."


"do you remember the first message
i ever sent you?"


"you act like you're indestructible."

"but you're not. that was for your mom wasn't it?"

"yeah. she hasn't quite grasped the gravity of the situation. she still goes out with her friends; still goes shopping every other weekend; still goes
surfing at the beach."

"but she's dying."

"i-, i don't want her to die."

"and we don't have enough money for treatment. i don't have enough time to take care of her. my dad has three jobs. my older brothers are trying to make a living in the city, and it's a lot you know."

"lan, i don't think i could ever understand the pain you are going through right now. i want to hug you and hold you until you have no more tears left to cry."

"even if i'm not really with you, i am always here; for your support, for your boredom and most importantly to tell you more horrific jokes."

"they were actually quite funny to be honest noah."



"thanks for cheering me up. and sorry
if i bothered you, i don't usually
break down like this."

"honey, never say sorry for
being upset. it's normal to cry
and feel those emotions. god,
i fucki-, i cry when i watch
the notebook with my mom."

"seriously, thank you. i'm going
to go and check on my mama
now. goodbye."

"goodbye my love."


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