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❝ are you really happy
or just comfortable? ❞


3rd of april, 2018


i love you.

i told you not to fall in love with me.

i'm crying so much right now.

i told you a walk to remember
is a sad film.

yes but not THIS sad.

it feels like someone made me
fall madly in love, and then
ripped out my heart with no
regrets whatsoever.

why would you do that to me?

it gives me a lot of satisfaction.

making people cry?


well, it depends on the person.

you're so lovely- always
thinking about other
people's emotions.

i'm just a sympathetic gal, what
can i say?

anyway, how's your mom?

she's doing better. still in the
hospital but me and my dad have
been with her most of the day.

that's good. do you think she will be out soon?

not looking likely, but i've asked my teachers to send my work through
the internet so i can do it whilst
i'm in the hospital.

wait they've let you have time

no, i got suspended lmao.

why? did you actually kill

please don't tell you you
murdered someone.

because that is not good.

at all.

like at all.

no don't silly! i punched this guy
that kept calling mika a dyke.

well, at least he deserved it.

yeah, he was the same guy who
was picking on my brother
the other week.

sounds like a dick.

oh trust me. but the phrase i would
use is misogynistic asshole, who will peak in high school and start
balding by the age of 25.

okay, he definitely deserves
more than a punch then.

yeah he's like a baby on a plane that won't stop crying. he needs the attention all the time and can't handle shit thrown at him.

here are some other terms that you could use to describe him; an itchy sweater, wet sock, wobbly table, cold soup.


what on earth are you talking about?

i don't know, sometimes i feel like they are better insults than jerk, asshole or dick.


you know what, just ignore how weird that was.

mmm okaaayyyyy.

either way, i'll get some flights to
hawaii and be your sidekick. we can take out the cold soup together!

hahah, i really appreciate that honey
but i don't think that's necessary. i
can handle myself.

a bowl of cold soup is nothing.


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