"Thought what through?" Hoseok asks, entering the kitchen and grabbing a glass and the orange juice carton.

"Hey! Don't drink that! It's for Namjoon!" Misun says, keeping her voice hushed as she grabbed the carton from Hoseok and placing it back in the fridge.

"Morning Hobi!" Both Jin and Jimin greet, smiling at their brother, who smiles in response.
Not long after, Taehyung comes running into the kitchen, hiding behind the counter Misun was cooking at. He holds a hand over his mouth, holding in his childish giggle.

"Taehyung?" Misun asks confused, looking at the child sitting beside her feet. "What are you do-" She starts but gets cut off as an angry looking Yoongi storms into the kitchen.

"Taehyung!" He shouts angrily, looking around the kitchen in search for his younger brother.

"Woah woah woah, Yoongi slow down! What is going on?" Misun asks, pausing her cooking and walking up to the infuriated boy, holding him back from his older brother.

"Taehyung woke me up!" He says as he crosses his arms with a pout.

"He was being lazy and it's Joonie's birthday so he needed to wake up!" Taehyung says defensively, popping up from his hiding place and crossing his arms over his chest just like Yoongi.

"There you are! I'll get you!" Yoongi says, charging for Taehyung only to be held back by Misun.

"Woah, slow down there, Yoongi, he is your brother, you can't hurt him" Misun says, looking down at Yoongi, holding him by his shoulders so he doesn't charge after his younger sibling. "And you need to be quiet, else Namjoon will wake up before we decorate the living room and finish breakfast.

"Ooh can I help with breakfast?" Asks Yoongi, flashing his gummy smile to Misun, immediately forgetting about the anger towards his brother that he had just a few moments ago.

"Can i help with decorating?" Tae asks, also forgetting about the close call with his older brother earlier on.

"Yes, of course, i will need all the help i can get!" Misun smiles, before ordering the boys to do little tasks in preparation for when Namjoon wakes up.

About half an hour later, the living room was decorated with balloons, banners and multiple wrapped up presents sitting on the couch, ready to be ripped open by the birthday boy. Misun, Jin and Yoongi had finished making breakfast and all of the boys were gathered in the kitchen, ready to go and wake their brother. Hoseok had gotten baby Jungkook out of the crib, carefully holding his sleepy brother, letting him lay against Hoseok on the ground.

"What if he doesn't wake up?" Taehyung stared with wide eyes, creeping everyone out. "What if he's dead. The day he will never live for 24 hours is today. Did you know you will have two non-whole days in your whole life? The day you're born and the day you die."

"What do you watch on TV?" Misun picked up Taehyung and Jungkook, one on each arm, Jin, Yoong and Hoseok in charge of carrying the trays of food up the stairs to Namjoon's room. "Actually, I don't want to know."

"He gives me nightmares with all of his stories." Jimin walked in front of Misun, setting a slow and steady pace for the all, still haven't mastered the stairs yet. "There's scary things MiMi."

"Taehyung." Misun scolded softly with just his name. "No more telling your brother scary things."

"But Misun-"

"Tell them to Yoongi, okay?" Misun finished, Taehyung grinning proudly, reaching over to hold hands with Jungkook. His plan failed, Jungkook asleep, his little cheeks smushed against his face as he laid asleep on Misun's shoulder.

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