Chapter 10

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"Radagast! Radagast the Brown. Ah. What on earth are you doing here?"
"I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong." He answered
Radagast opens his mouth to speak but shuts it. He opens his mouth again but closes it again. He has forgotten what he was going to say. "Oh, just give me a minute. Um, oh, I had a thought, and now I've lost it. It was, it was right there, on the tip of my tongue." He curls up his tongue and looks surprised. "Oh, it's not a thought at all; it's a silly old..." Radagast pauses as Gandalf pulls a stick insect out of his mouth. "stick insect!"
The dwarves and Bilbo look flustered. Radagast and Gandalf go off a few paces and speak privately. Rosa looks at the two wizards curious about what they're talking about. She shakes her head walks over to Fili.
"Excuse me Fili but I do believe this is yours." She says hold out his dagger to him
"Oh, that, keep it."
Rosa shakes her head "I couldn't possibly, it's yours."
Fili smiles gently taking the hand that is holding the dagger, carefully placing it close to her "Please, keep it, Rosa. I'll feel better knowing you have something to defend yourself with."
"Um..." Rosa smiled feeling her face burn "Thank you Fili." She whispers
Then suddenly there's a howling noise.
"Was that a wolf? Are there--are there wolves out there?" Bilbo asked worried
"Wolves? No, that is not a wolf."
From behind a nearby crag, a Warg growls from behind them and they all turn to see a warg scout; it leaps into the midst of the Company, knocking down Rosa in the process. She manages to stop it from biting her as she put her sword in front just in time. The warg pushes harder, inches from her face.
Then suddenly she hears it wine in pain then drop dead on her. She manages to push it off and to her surprise, she see it was Fili that has saved her.
"Thank you." She whispered as he helped her up
He nods with a slight smile. Just as another Warg comes from the other side; Kili shoots it with an arrow, bringing it down. However, it gets back up, only to be killed by Dwalin.
"Warg-Scouts! Which means an Orc pack is not far behind."
"Orc pack?"
"Who did you tell about your quest, beyond your kin?" Gandalf asked Thorin
"No one."
"Who did you tell?" Gandalf asked more angerly
"No one, I swear. What in Durin's name is going on?"
"You are being hunted."
"We have to get out of here."
"We can't! We have no ponies; they bolted."
"I'll draw them off." Radagast tells them
"These are Gundabad Wargs; they will outrun you." Gandalf tried to warn his friend
"These are Rhosgobel Rabbits; I'd like to see them try." Radagast smiled then jumped on his sled riding off

Yazneg, the orc leader of the Warg Riders, and his Wargs are searching through the forest for the Company; when suddenly, Radagast and his rabbits shoot out of the forest, and the Wargs start chasing him.
"Come and get me! Haha!" Radagast shouts
Gandalf watches from behind a rock as Radagast and the Wargs disappear in the distance. "Come on!" He motions for the company to follow
The Company rushes across a rocky plain. In the distance, Radagast is being chased by the Wargs. One of them crashes while trying to catch him. As the Company runs across the plain, they see the Wargs not too far from them, so they hide behind the rocks. When they past they begin running again.
While the group runs, Radagast drives his sled beneath an overhanging projection of rock; he ducks, but the Orc behind him gets knocked off his Warg. As the chase continues, Thorin stops behind a rock so that they're not seen by the Wargs. Ori starts to run out of the cover.
"Ori, no! Come back!" Thorin whisper shouts grab Ori
"Come on! Quick!"
As the dwarves continue running, Thorin turns to Gandalf. "Where are you leading us?" Thorin questions
Gandalf looks at Thorin with no reply and moves on ahead, but one of the orcs chasing after Radagast feels something is amiss so he investigates. The same orc scout and his Warg appear on top of the outcropping, scenting the air. Thorin indicates to Kili who uses his bow to take the orc and his warg down, Kili quickly steps out and shoots the Warg. The Warg and the orc on it fall near them, and the dwarves quickly kill them both.
The sounds of their fight carry quite far; that the other Wargs and Orcs stop chasing Radagast as they hear roars and screams from behind the rocks. They hear the wargs howling and see the orcs racing towards them
"Move! Run!" Gandalf shouts and the company makes a run for it. But the Wargs begin surrounding them.
"This way! Quickly!" They follow Gandalf running a while longer then halt as they see Wargs surround them on all sides.
"There's more coming!"
"Kili! Shoot them!" Thorin ordered
Kili begins shooting killing some of the wargs and orcs. Gandalf looks around and notices a large rock and runs towards it disappearing.
"We're surrounded!"
"Where's Gandalf?" Fili asked looking around
"He's abandoned us!" Dwalin shouts as the dwarves gather close to each other while the orcs get nearer.
"Hold your ground!" Thorin says pulling out his sword as the orcs get closer

"This way, you fools!" Gandalf shouts appearing from a crack of the large rock he'd noticed earlier
"Come on, move! Quickly, all of you! Go, go, go!"

As the Wargs approach, the company slides into the large crack in the rock, sliding into a cave. They then hear Elvish horns. They listen to the conflict from inside the crack. Inside the underground tunnel the dwarves hear a hunting horn and the noise of arrows being shot, we see the elves have arrived and as the elves start killing the orcs, one of them topples down into the underground tunnel.
"Elves" Thorin remarks removing the arrow from the orc
"I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or no?" Dwalin asks coming out from further in the cave

"Follow it, of course!" Bofur tells him

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