Chapter 6

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The next few days Rosa noticed that the dwarves rarely talked to her and seemed to avoid her when she came around. Even Fili who offered his assistance before.
One morning while riding Bilbo noticed Rosa has been more distant and quiet than usual since the dwarves found out she was half-elf.
"Ro, can we talk about what's bothering you?" Bilbo asks slowing down to ride with her
"What is there to talk about I'm fine, I'm fantastic!" She remakes
"Come on Rosa don't have to be like that."
"I know, I-I just." She sighs looking off to the side "Look, I don't want to talk about it alright, so just drop it."
With that, the two rode on in silence the rest of the way. When it was near night. The company stopped and started setting up camp. Rosa sat far from the group with Lilly petting her head as she lightly nudges her. Rosa looks up as she hears footsteps to see Bilbo walking up to her.
"Mind if i seat with you?" Bilbo asked
Rosa just nods in response
Bilbo half-smiles sitting down. the two sat there in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes.
"Rosa please tell me what is bothering you? I'm starting to worry about you." Bilbo finally spoke
"Like I told you before I'm fine Bilbo
"Rosa, don't lie to me. Those dwarves haven't been treating you right at all these past few days!"
"It's my problem to handle." Rosa tells him standing up "I can handle myself!" She comments before walking away

Later that night Rosa sneaks off from the company to find a spot to think and clear her thoughts without being watched by the dwarves.
"You know, you shouldn't leave the safety of the camp." A voice tells her
She turns to see Thorin standing there "hum, didn't know you cared." She said with some venom at him
"Your apart of this company it seems with I like it or not. So I prefer that you not get yourself killed."
Rosa crossed her arms "I'm very capable, of caring for myself thank you."
Thorin raised a brow "Is that so. You seem to have no survival or weapon training. how do except to fight for your self."
"Well, I'll find a way to manage on my own." Rosa huffed then turned her back to him "I Don't need help from stubborn, grumpy dwarves." She turns back around then started walking to the camp "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get some sleep."
She stopped by Thorin and then continue back to camp leaving him alone to contemplate.

The next morning everyone got up, loaded up their ponies, and continue the journey to Erebor. That night the company camped near the edge of a cliff. As Bombur sleeps, tiny flying insects get sucked into his mouth every time he inhales, and they are expelled when he exhales. Bilbo watches in disgust, then finally gets up and walks around. Most everyone is asleep; Gandalf, Fili, and Kili are awake. Bilbo walks over to his and Rosa's ponies noticing that Rosa's sleeping near her pony seeming to look so peaceful for once on this journey so far.
"Hello, girl," Bilbo whispered walking closer to his pony Myrtle
He checks to see if anyone is looking then pulls out an apple giving it to his pony "That's a good girl. It's our little secret, Myrtle; you must tell no one. sh, sh."
Suddenly a scream erupted in the night air waking Rosa and troubling, Bilbo. Rosa watched as Bilbo rushed over to Fili and Kili.

Unwanted Attractionsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें