Chapter 35

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  Under the force of Smaug's onslaught, the latticework finally gives way and falls to the ground. Smaug storms into the furnace room. He looks about, growling.
  Meanwhile, Bilbo and Rosa clamber up some steps and reaches the lever mounted high on a tower; Smaug begins walking toward him. Smaug raises his head to look at them, then looks to the side and sees Thorin standing there. Smaug turns and snarls at Thorin.
  "Now!"Thorin yells to the two
  Bilbo and Rosa look at each other then nod Jumping up and pulling down on the lever just as Smaug lunges toward Thorin. Huge jets of water burst out of carved and slam into Smaug, knocking him off balance and quenching the flames he was beginning to blow at Thorin. Smaug slides into the side of a furnace from the force of the water, and the glow in his chest disappears. Roaring in rage, Smaug flaps into the air and begins thrashing about madly. 

  As Bilbo and Rosa begin to climb down the mound, Smaug begins crawling toward Thorin again. Suddenly Balin, Ori, and Dori start throwing flash-flame bombs at Smaug. However, it doesn't faze Smaug and he continues toward Thorin. Above Smaug, Gloin raises his axe and cuts the rope of the conveyor belt full of heavy rocks below him, dropping tons of rocks on Smaug and making him fall to the ground, roaring. Smaug, tangled in the ropes of the conveyor belt, thrashes about and hits the rope of the conveyor belt Gloin and Bifur are in, breaking it and knocking it to the floor. Thorin takes the opportunity to run over to a furnace and pulls on a chain, opening a gate allowing the molten gold to flow out and through troughs built into the ground.
  "Lead him to the Gallery of the Kings!" Thorin turns and begins running, shouting back at the dwarves. He grabs a wheelbarrow and runs while pushing it, dodging Smaug's thrashing limbs. Smaug's tail smashes into the base of the mound, cracking it and worrying Bilbo.

  Thorin throws the wheelbarrow into a channel of gold and leaps into the wheelbarrow; it floats on the gold and is carried along. Seeing this, Smaug roars and whips his head around, finally getting rid of the ropes and buckets tangled around him. He stomps over to a small entrance at the base of the mound where all the troughs of liquid gold join and lead out of the room. Before he can get to Thorin, Thorin on his wheelbarrow floats through the entrance, just as the mound collapses and Bilbo falls. He manages to hit the ground rolling. Smaug sees Bilbo and snarls. Thorin turns his head back and yells at Bilbo and Rosa "Keep going, you two! Run!"
  Bilbo grabs Rosa's hand and the two take off running with Smaug in pursuit; he leaps onto a large stone slide before Smaug can grab him, and Smaug slides after him, demolishing all the stone structures nearby with his wings. The trough Thorin is floating in ends at a drop; as his wheelbarrow goes over the edge, Thorin leaps from it and grabs onto a chain. The molten gold drops into a large stone mold.
  Meanwhile Bilbo and Rosa, are running from Smaug, and run through a doorway and into a massive hall adorned with banners hundreds of feet tall. Just as he runs in, the wall above the doorway explodes as Smaug jumps through it. Bilbo runs frantically from the flying rocks, but is caught beneath the cloth of a falling banner and knocked to the floor.
  "You think you could deceive me, Barrel-rider?" Smaug Shpotus angrily while he leaps to the floor The two Hobbits peak out from the edge of the banner as Smuag continues talking  "You have come from Laketown. There is- is some sort of scheme hatched between these filthy dwarves and those miserable cup-trading Lakemen." Smuag growls jumping to a conclusion "Those sniveling cowards with their longbows and black arrows! Perhaps it is time I paid them a visit." Smaug turns to go to Laketown, and Bilbo and Rosa gasp. "Oh, no."
  The two scramble out from under the banner.
  "Wait, Stop!"  Rosa yells running toward Smaug "This isn't their fault!"
  "She right Wait! You cannot go to Laketown."
  Hearing this, Smaug stops for a moment, then turns toward them "You care about them, do you? Good. Then you can watch them die." Smaug turns and strides off down the hall. 
  Suddenly, a voice from one end of the hall, shouts: "Here, you witless worm!"
  Smaug stops in his track, snarling and squinting in anger. He then turns toward Thorin. "You." Smaug growl turning to him
  "I am taking back what you stole."
  "You would take nothing from me, Dwarf," Smaug says slowly stalking toward Thorin I laid low your warriors of old. I instilled terror in the hearts of men. I am King under the Mountain." His head is level with Thorin now
  "This is not your kingdom. These are dwarf lands, this is dwarf gold, and we will have our revenge." As Thorin speaks, Smaug's chest and neck glow with fire, and Thorin slowly reaches up toward a rope above him. Just as Smaug opens his mouth, Thorin yells something in Khuzdul then he yanks on the rope, and a pin behind the stone falls out, releasing heavy wooden bands and chains that had been wrapped tightly around the stone.
  Smaug rears his head in confusion. The other dwarves pull mightily on their chains, and more pins are pulled out of the stone. The stone structure falls apart and reveals a massive statue of a dwarf king, made entirely out of solid gold. Thorin swings away on a rope to escape the falling rocks. Smaug looks at the golden statue, which is even larger than him, in awe and desire. As he approaches it, his mouth opens slightly in greed. Suddenly, the gold around the statue's eyes warps and then explodes into liquid; the gold in the statue had not yet fully solidified, and the entire statue collapses and explodes into burning hot liquid. Smaug roars in anger as the statue melts, and scrabbles backward to escape the gold. However, he cannot move fast enough and the tidal wave of gold hits him and knocks him over. As he roars, he is entirely smothered and drowned in the gold, which fills the entire hall in a layer several feet deep. The dwarves begin smiling in joy as The gold settles, and there seems to be no sign of Smaug. Although that is short-lived as Smaug leaps out covered in gold and screams in anger and pain. Revenge?! Revenge! I will show you REVENGE!" Smuag shouts before running down the hallway ramming into the old front gate of Erebor and smashes through it. He flaps his wing and lifts off into the sky, spinning and causing the remaining gold on him to fall off in a golden shimmer. He swoops off toward Laketown.
  Bilbo runs out of the destroyed gates of Erebor and climbs up some ruins, he despairingly pants and looks on in shock. "What have we done?" He falls to his knees.

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