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Day: 2

*There are 365 days in a year and I'm starting day one off as the first day of their school year. Then there an average of 180 days of school so after 180 days it'll be summer. The weekends are counted.

Classroom 13

It was already the second day of school and everyone had already given their introductions and so their school life together had only begun. At their school in Virginia, they had only one main class and one main teacher. Each class usually holds about twenty or more students but in their class, Classroom 13, there were only 13 students.

Other classes and students before them have called this classroom the unlucky class, over half the students from this class usually don't graduate or they made poor scores on tests some have gotten arrested and a lot of relationships have been tested here. Some people say that if you are put into this class you have been put a curse upon by some scary ghost story legend and I guess you could say that it's true.

In this class they have all come to realize that they have seen or talked or been paired together at some point during their freshmen and sophomore years. On the first day, they all talked to one another and asked how the others summer were like any other class bragging about all the fun they had and what they might do next summer so everyone was pretty well acquainted.

Their teacher had begun talking about some whole school reopening event that the school puts on every year at the beginning of the year to welcome the freshmen to their clubs and sports and such but also to get the students excited for their new year and shake off their nerves. So the teacher had asked the class to stay after school and have a discussion over what their class was going to do.

"Okay so what type of entertainment should we put on?" Liam Jackson the happy go lucky type of guy is the first to ask, he doesn't really open much about himself and usually just listens, he can even steer the conversation away from himself with ease. "What you think Elijah?"

Everyone sat around the almost empty classroom and sat relaxed. "I really don't care, as long as you guys pick something I'm just about fine with anything," he shrugs with his head laying on his arm on the desk. Elijah Clark our delinquent of the class but he's pretty laid back about stuff.

"So if it was us selling pictures people could take with only the guys while wearing women's clothing... you're up for it?" Astrid sounds out. Astrid Quincy our rich and genius girl with a chairman from the school as her father.

Elijah looks like he thinks it over before he answers. "Sure, nothing to lose and nothing to gain," he thought of how he still would rather do nothing.

"We can do a play?" Andy speaks adjusting his glasses. Andy Peterson not really a nerd but he can really act like one but he's also not the shy type and speaks out a lot if he wants to.

"Okay well that's one idea I guess," Liam sighs. "Okay how about you Erin got anything for us," Erin looks down at her hands shyly. Erin Moore is pretty, quiet, and protective when it counts.

"Um maybe we can...have a movie theater in the... classroom.. or not! Whatever works," Liam nods his head.

"Yes the ideas are getting better let's keep this going so we can leave sooner," Liam stands from his seat and goes to the board the write down the two ideas.

"How about we put on a concert! The guys can play some rock'n instruments and the girls can sing and dance!" Chase exclaimed as the thought came to him. Chase Lynch our classroom musician, even plays guitar in his band, people do tend to go to the concerts his band puts on in secret places.

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