"Stop it!" Naruko said, trying to shout but only being able to muster a embarrassed whimper as she felt like turning into a pile of goop.

"Ha ha, Now now Kushina, you better be careful. Don't wanna tell me all her secrets, that takes away half the fun of finding them out myself!" Jiraiya joked, ruffling Naruko's hair.

"Pervy Sage!? Not you too!" She grumbled, hiding her face in her hands as the two laughed.

"Alright, alright...We'll leave ya alone! Jeez, so sensitive. Didn't realize I raised a stiff." Kushina joked as they walked into the kitchen.

'I wonder what's for dinner?' Jiraiya thought, taking his seat at the table.

Only for a large and steaming pot of ramen noodles to be slammed onto the table, courtesy of Kushina. Naruko and her mother looked at the pot with stars in their eyes, while Jiraiya...

'Why am I not surprised.'

He thought, holding back his amusement. He waited for the two to get some on their plate before reaching to get his serving of the Namikaze family specialty.

'Seriously, is it a Uzumaki thing to like ramen? Is it encoded into their genes?' He thought, holding back a snicker as he took a bite...

And smiled fondly.

"...I guess its okay if some things never change." He said aloud, catching Naruko's attention.

"What was that gramps?" Naruko asked, her cheeks comically puffed out to an absurd degree as she swallowed a large wad of ramen.

"Nothing, just the musings of a dumb old man." He remarked.

"Oh, okay." Naruko just accepted, much to Jiraiya's annoyance.

"So, Kushina. I was wondering if I could help Naruko here with her training." Jiraiya asked.

"Sure, but why ask? You're a member of the family, train her. It shouldn't be something you have to ask permission for." Kushina said, taking a large slurp.

"Yeah, but..." Jiraiya started.

"But Minato, right? Don't worry. I'll talk to him tonight. I'm sure that if you both just sit down, and discuss things, it'll be alright." Kushina said, giving Jiraiya a gentle smile.

"Ha, I hope you're right about that. I really do love the boy." Jiraiya said with a happy laugh.

"Hm? Why? Is dad mad at Pervy Sage or something?" Naruko asked, going for her third bowl of ramen.

"Well Naruko...Its...Very complicated." Jiraiya said, a nervous grin on his face.

"Nonsense, you're both just being hard asses. Seriously, why do men have to make everything out to be worse than it is. So you left us for a long while. You had your reasons. I understand why you did it. Especially after what had happened..." Kushina trailed off at that, getting misty eyed, putting down her bowl.

"...After that happened with Tsunade...I understand why you left. And if I can understand, then so can Minato. He just needs time." Kushina said kindly, showering Jiraiya with a sympathetic gaze.

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