The arcade's mini stories.

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Just because Tord started dating Edd and Matt started dating Tom doesn't mean that there not friends and they don't hang around with each other anymore. Today actually, after Edd and Matt eventually crawled out of bed downstairs to see a smiling Tom making pancakes and a nervous Tord avoiding Ringo, Tom proposed the idea of the group going to the arcade that they usually visited almost every Tuesday and Saturday when Matt was off work. Since Matt came home from the hospital the other day, his nose was looking much better since they had to snap it back into place, and he got a few days off of work so it could heal properly.

Oh right, I forgot to mention that Matt has a part time job at a flower shop. Kinda ironic taking how he mostly wears dark colors and looks emo as fuck. And another fact is that everyone is still in college but they were on summer vacation ;). Tord works at the flower place with Matt since he can't work without a friend or he'll have a mental breakdown and Edd works at a convenience store like a common college kid while Tom works at a sweet little bakery. They just came together to split rent at an affordable home near there colleges, even tho Edd takes online courses.

Anyways, as I was saying, today they were going to go to the arcade. Edd was planning on hanging around with his friends to avoid people talking to him while Tom was going to win tokens for the gacha machines so he could maybe add more country cats to his collection. Tord was going to stick near Edd while Matt was just going to play guitar hero or that doom rip off arcade game and finally get on the leader board. as they were in the car, Tord sat a bit closer to Edd while Tom rested his elbow next to Matt's on the arm rest smiling that sweet little smile he usually smiled. once they got to the arcade, they split up to do there own thing. Occasionally, one friend would bump into another, but Tord and Edd mostly stuck together when Tord wasn't off buying soda for him and Edd ( mostly for Edd even tho he said he didn't need it. )

Tord and Tom.

The easiest way for Tom to grind tokens was with that rhythm game he seemed to have mastered, even beating it with a perfect score and getting 1 on the leader board that still hasn't been beat. He couldn't really do what he did last time tho since last time he ended up winning over 5,000 game tokens and had a field day buying plushy's and cashing in some tokens for actual money.   While he was playing the game, Tord was watching him since Edd had to go use the bathroom and since he always made the toilet paper cover for the toilet seat, it would take awhile. "h-how are you so good at that...?" Tom turned around to look at a shy Tord shoving half of his face into his over stretched turtleneck and smiled. "Oh! It took a whoooooooole lot of practice and patience and a bunch of defeats, but I slowly made my way up top!" "why this game specifically tho...?" "Because the design is adorable and I love the multiple characters you can play as!" There were only 4, a cat in a blue sweater, a crocodile wearing a bow tie, a bear with a dress and a bunny in a chefs costume. Tom actually chose the bunny, since he himself could tell that he keeps picking favorites if the character is wearing any type of blue sweater. "You wanna try?" "can I?" "Yeah! go ahead!" Tom smiled at the shy Norwegian as he moved out of the way so he could have a turn. Immediately, Tord lost all 3 lives and got a game over as he sighed in defeat. "i guess i'm no good..." Tom then shook his head as he smiled. "No! Don't say that! you were better then me when I first tried!" Tom then hugged Tord which caught Tord off guard, but he eventually hugged back and just watched Tom until Edd came out of the bathroom. "Is that your u-usual?" he asked Tom this as Tord immediately grabbed Edd's hand and let it slide under his large sweater arm hole with his own hand. Tom smiled as he nodded. "Yup!"

Edd and Matt

Tord went away to wait in the long line for the special desert sale that happens every 5:30 so Edd was just wondering around occasionally playing pac-man or that one ship arcade game with the aliens, invaders I think. He then stopped in front of Matt who seems to be really into one game, even showing as much emotion as raising his eyebrows in amusement, which showed Edd he was really into it. "Watcha playi-" And then he saw it. The tall anime girl with huge cleavage ( boobs ) as her breasts even moved when she fired a gun to shoot zombies. Matt was more focused on her then the game play. "Aren't you d-dating T-Tom?" "Yes but... I still like tits Edd. Sure Tom is my number one but you don't only drink your favorite soda." "S-so you're saying y-you still like girls?" Suddenly Edd felt uncomfortable before he saw Matt shoot him a wtf look before shaking his head. "No! I'm not that kind of guy, what makes you think that? I just like looking at them, not touching them!" "S-sorry sorry" "Ugh, it's fine, i'm sorry to I shouldn't have raised my voice." Matt then sighed as he got a game over screen due to him not focusing on the game. "I guess you're right Matt... y-you c-can still be i-into boobies a-and guys." "Knowing Tom he might actually get a pair if it might make me happy, which it wont." Edd and him then chuckled before Edd turned his head towards Tord who looked like a lost puppy before shaking his head. "I sh-should get back to T-Tord." "Ok, we should be heading out at around 6:40ish." Matt waved Edd goodbye as he ran off to be with Tord.

Matt and Tom.

Tom was where he usually was when it was this time of day on arcade day. At the gacha machines getting random junk for himself, he felt someone hug him from behind before a head rested on his. "How much can your collection box hold you hoarder?" Matt softly chuckled as he felt Toms cheeks puff up in defense. "It's not junk! there feelings will be hurt if I throw them away! Maybe when we live with just ourselves i'll limit it tho.." That comment made Matt blush before he went down to kiss Toms cheek making Tom giggle. "Maaaatt! that tickles!" "I know." Matt smiled as he looked at the things Tom has already got. A bunch of country cats with 1 hat on it and a bunch of fluffy key chains. Tom then got up before he collected everything and shoved it in his bag. "M-Matt... it's almost closing time..." Edd said this as Tord was behind him gently nodding as he was holding Edd's hand and Matt sighed before looking at the car parked in the parking lot.

"Ok, lets get a move on." He then exited with Tom hoping next to him before Tord gently kissed Edd which caught Edd off guard as his face turned a strawberry red and he started to stammer nonsense before a sentence was formed. "wh-wh-what w-w-w-was th-that for?" "b-because i l-love you...? sorry... was i not suppose t-to do that?" Tord kissed Edd on the lips this time but turned him around to do so, thats what caught Edd of guard was because he didn't expect Tord to be the one to kiss him on the lips, he thought he would kiss Tord on the lips first. "N-N-N-No I-I-I was just c-c-c-c-caught off g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-guard!" ( over exaggerating stuttering? yup. ) Edd then shoved his face into his hand as Tord let out a small chuckle and led him to the car.

Yes I try to make every chapter over 1,000 words and I think this one is my longest one, lmao.

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