***Sweeter then candy***

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It was only a day after the laundry incident happened and just as expected, Tom was still torn up about it besides apologizing to Matt 27 times. Everyone Always hated seeing Tom so down since he always lifted up everyone's spirits. Tord was trying to go over the reasons on why he was happy to be Toms friend and Edd just hugged Tom who simply allowed it as he teared up.

"I'm going out." Matt's voice could be heard at the living room entrance witch caught Edd off guard as he looked up at Matt who was leaning against the entrance to the living room. "I-I thought y-you were gonna help ch-cheer Tom up." Edd tilted his head as he started stuttering due to Toms sadness rubbing off on him and Tord. "I will... Later." And after that, Matt left out the house. And that was it, Tom just started to cry as he sat his head on Edds lap. "H-he doesn't forgive me! I could've seriously hurt him after all! I made him cry!" Tord looked around the room as if there was an answer to help Tom stop crying, but Ringo only let Edd hold her. The aggressive cat was cleaning herself on top of a bunch of manga's Tord liked to read witch made him choke back a few tears. "I... Well he wouldn't eat a-any of the... candy we brought to him... th-that's worrying m-me..." Tord dunk his head into his turtle neck on his sweater as his eyes started to water and fill with worry. Edd nodded as he was shaking a bit due to the contact on his legs but choked down his breakdown since Tom was a close friend. "I-I kn-know... Oh jeez I-I think my anxiety I-is g-getting to me-" Tord gave Edd a worried glance again as he looked at Tom who was gently sobbing still.
"Uhm... I can hold him..." Edd nodded as he gently gave Tom to Tord who hugged him gently. While they did that, Toms body didn't even move. Edd got up to go fetch his anxiety medication from the kitchen.

"T-tommy... I'm sure Matt forgives you..." Tom shook his head before glancing at Tord. "He just left without saying goodbye to me! And pushed me aside for later!" Soon, Tom's tears started to flow more easily as he let out quick sniffles. "I-I hurt him!" Tord let out a gentle sigh as he wiped Tom's tears with his hoodie sleeve as he started tearing up. "Please don't... c-cry..." And soon, the two were crying together before Edd came out onto the couch. "Oh dear, u-uhm please don't c-cry w-we can watch k-kittens together!" Tom shook his head as Edd joined in on the hug.

Soon, the two heard the car roll up in the driveway and the front door opening. Soon, Matt stepped in with his purple hood up as usual and the zipper open in the middle revealing his white shirt. He walked over in front of Tom squatting down as he handed him his favorite candy, Gummy Cats. "I forgive you." He even put on a very rare small smile. Toms 'eyes' widened as he grabbed the bag. He smiled at Matt and then hugged him witch caught Matt off guard causing him to flinch, but he soon accepted the hug. Edd just hugged Tord and managed to get him to stop crying for now, and after all the tears stopped, Tom seemed to be back to his normal self as he happily ate the gummy cats as Matt sat down next to him with an arm resting above him. He still really wasn't ready to make his move... But he was happy he could cheer up Tom. "So what should we watch today?" He looked at Edd who cracked open a diet cola and took a sip from it before turning back to Matt. "W-well we were p-planning on kittens... b-but it's not on n-now." Matt let out a sigh as he turned on the TV before he looked at Tom who already finished the packet of gummy's. "What do you want to watch?" Tom looked at Matt with a happy expression. "Animal planet! I heard today they were going to have deers on it!" Tord nodded in agreement as he smiled. "I-I like... deers..." Edd shrugged as he allowed Ringo to jump on his lap witch caused Tord to shudder and move to the end of the couch. "Sure."

Matt nodded and hid a small smile as he turned the channel to animal planet. But when Tom didn't notice, he moved a bit closer. Not only because he wanted to be closer but because Ringo kept giving him a threatening glare. "Y'know Matt, you really are sweeter then candy." Tom looked up at Matt who was slightly blushing at that comment. Sure he got compliments a lot from everyone, especially Tom but this one felt nice. "And you're softer then a marshmallow."

(( Finished off at 842 words! Well, including these to. I'm going to try and post a chapter per day but I'm working on another book about a candy Edd and a candy alchemist Tord so it might be a bit difficult. Online classes are going fine tho! Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter and supporting me! I really appreciate it ÙwÚb. I'm going to try my best to make this story interesting and I hope you like it so far! I wonder when Matt is going to confess to Tom tho... ))

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