~Laundry day~

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Today was laundry day. Usually everyone in the house takes turns with it but for some reason Matt noticed that he was doing this for the 3rd time straight. Sure, he was irritated but just decided to suck it up and do it. If he talked to one of his friends when he was angry or agitated, he would know Tord would start crying and Edd would just start stuttering nonsense. Tom on the other hand was a different story... He always forgot the chore schedule and usually Matt was the one who usually bailed him out by doing it for him. Tom was just clumsy and forgetful most of the time, but when it came to keeping stock of his sweet stash... That's a different story. He even knew if a few skittles were missing from a already open bag. Matt just presumed he had so much numbers of candy to remember that he didn't have room to remember most of everything else. Besides his friends names and birthdays of course. And also Matt's fear of mirrors. After the magical mirror incident Edd just decided to not accept anymore gifts from strangers and to help Matt smash all the mirrors to. The downside was that they didn't have any idea on what one looked like, so Tom solves the problem by buying each one of them a foldable mirror. Well, he just thought Matt would be ok but said he would share his with him when Matt asked.
Matt let out a groan after he saw the neglected laundry basket that was double the size of a normal laundry basket due to how much sweaters Tom keeps buying for himself and Tord, sometimes Edd. Tho he learned by now if he bought something for Matt it would be too small or too big, so he just let Matt do his own clothes shopping. As he was putting in a mix of light blue sweaters and red sweaters the laundry basket started to move witch made him flinched back and grab the nearest thing as a weapon, witch was a iron. "EEEDDDD I THINK THE LAUNDRY IS ALIVE AGAIN!"
He flinched when he saw the laundry basket fall over causing most of the light colored clothes clattering all over the floor and... Tom in the pile. He had one of  Matt's shirts on his face and then he sat up. "No! It's just me, I remembered that today was laundry day!" Matt let out a large sigh as he took his shirt off of Toms face witch revealed Tom's usual smiling face.
"Last week was your day for laundry." Matt let out a sigh as he gently rubbed his own forehead, honestly, he didn't really want to deal with this today. Toms face lit up before he frowned and shook his head. "You're right! I'm sorry I'm such a dumbsy clumbsy!" He the started to pick up the shirts that were on the floor to put them back in the laundry bin. "How about to make up for it I can help you with the laundry today? It seems like there's more clothes then last week!" Matt let out a sigh as he crossed his arms and started the washer as he looked at the childish boy who he couldn't believe would already be 21 and scared of thunder storms. Well... Then again Tord is 21 to and scared of everything. "Why don't you go help Tord get the groceries? You know he freezes up and cries when anyone besides us talk to him." Tom bit his lip before he looked at the door and shook his head. "Edd said he would do that despite them both having social anxiety. Maybe they can help each other out if one freezes since they might know how to fix it!" Matt let out a sigh as he looked at the short fluffy haired boy in overalls and then the laundry. He supposed it would go a lot faster. "Alright fi-" "Yaaaaaay! It's always better with a friend anyways!" Matt shook his head but couldn't help but smile a very small smile. He honestly liked Tom's enthusiasm since he lacked his own, and since he didn't have much of a childhood he loved seeing Tom act so childish. Of course he wouldn't tell Tom this anytime soon since it would show a sign of him becoming weak.
Yes, Matt is denying that he has a crush on Tom. If anything, Tom would most likely be pansexual since he's so loving towards everyone and everything but that wouldn't mean he would fall in love with Matt specifically.
"Hey Tom, what were you doing in the laundry basket anyways?" "I was rescuing tiny! I knew I left him in my pocket!" Tiny was a small toy cat with a Russian hat on. Apparently it belonged to a collection of country cats where each cat wears something from a countries culture. Tho the negative side is that it comes from a gum ball like machine and there literally over 100 cats you can collect. Tom only has 50 different ones in his 223 collection, but kept every single one of them to prevent there feelings from being hurt. Matt just assumed Tom left Tiny in his pocket by accident due to his forgetful nature. "Oh! The washer is done!" Tom said this as he quickly got the clothes out of the washer into the drier. Matt told him to just start a new load as he set up this load so Tom has to get on top of the washer to grab the laundry detergent. When he got it tho, his feet started to slip. "M-Matt-!" After that, Tom closed his eyes to prepare himself for any sort of pain he might feel, but when he opened them, nothing hurt. Instead he found himself lying on Matt's stomach as Matt laid on the floor with an emotionless express but a small tear sliding down his face. Tom realized that the impact he made must've hurt Matt and let out a loud scream. "Matt! Oh I'm so sorry!" "I-it's... Fine." Matt must've gotten the wind knocked out of him from his struggle for oxygen. Tom helped him up and apologized the rest of the time he did the laundry as Matt recovered from that incident.
Matt appreciated this, but couldn't ignore the fact about how small and soft Tom's skin was, but that was a bit of a perverted thought about his... 'friend' so he pushed the thought out of his mind to help sort the laundry for Tom.

(( yay! The first chapter is done at 1104 words including this small message at the end! I guess I'm happy to finish the first chapter, I think it came out alright. I'll try my best to make the story interesting and cute as possible! I'll just make a small progress on there relationship with some slice of life but slowly build a story and plot as it goes along. I'm sorry if this chapter was a bit boring, I'll try my best as I work on the story. I suppose I always wanted to make a story on this but was scared to be one out of many. I guess I also wanted to try a ship in an eddsworld au to. ))

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