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It's now officially been a week since Matt and Tom started dating. Once Tord and Edd got back home, the 4 of them acted buddy buddy to one another still, but Matt and Tom started showing more affection for each other lately while Tord took notes on how a cute couple act like. Tom started baking a lot of tasty pastrys for Matt and his friends ( tho he made Matt special cupcakes with hearts on them. )
Sadly tho, jealousy can happen to spring up. Every rose has its thorns, after all. After Matt and Tom left the house to go out on a grocery store run, Tom ran back up to Matt who was locking the home door and kissed his cheek before running off to the car having Matt chasing him. It only took a few steps for Matt to embrace Tom, to where he picked him up and twirled him around making him giggle that giggle Matt loved so much, and then placed a kiss on his cheek. Tord and Edd left since Edd wanted to go buy Tord that new manga that came out to complete his collection and maybe go on a small second date to practice doing relationship things with him.
Matt's actions were seen by his neighbor, Jon, who was honestly a real piece of shit most of the time. He's the type to block you on any social media when he's a losing an argument and then brag about how good he is at winning arguments. He was lately friendzoned by someone he's liked for awhile, only for him to find out they've been taken. Seeing his two neighbors acting so lovey dovey didn't really help, and only made him angrier. And he was not just standing in his yard, he was getting the mail.
Unfortunately, unlike his room mates, Jon had to make a statement on the two. He just stated how unfortunate it was that Matt's boyfriend had the intelligence of a 4 year old to where Tom clapped back with 'That's not true! I know my shapes and colors besides black' this caused Jon to make another remark about Matt's family and then well...

Matt sorta lost his shit and immediately started beating the shit out of Jon while Jon delivered some swift punches as well.

This got so bad that Mark and Eduardo had to break it up by dragging Jon away, and Tom had to drag Matt away. They were still spitting out vulgar things to each other and Matt looked ready to grab hide baseball bat and smash Jons head in, but then again he won't be able to cuddle with Tom in jail so that thought kept him from doing it.
Matt ended up getting his nose broken while he broke Jon's arm, tho those were the only serious injuries. Tom just called an ambulance since he lost his drivers license and kept forgetting to replace it, and started to tear up a bit at seeing Matt in pain. Mark and Eduardo started lecturing Jon about keeping his mouth shut as well.

And this is why Matt is in a hospital to fix his fucked up nose ( listen, they have noses there just reallllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy microscopic ) while Tom went with him. He called Tord and Edd about it, and they said they would come and bring Matt a gift to cheer him up. Meanwhile tho, Tom was laying next to Matt in the hospital bed as they waited for Matt to get surgery since Jon dislocated his microscopic nose.
"Matty... You sound so funny when you talk but you're in pain so I'll feel bad if I giggle."
"Ish ok."
"Nah, I'll still feel bad... Now if it was Jon then I would be laughing my butt off."
Tom then let out a giggle that made Matt smile softly as Tom held Matt's bigger but sorta soft hand as he kissed it gently. "Hey Matt, why do they even call a hack saw a hack saw? It's not a saw but it doesn't hack that good, maybe it does but I've never used one or seen any of those mean villains hack people with it..."
This only made Matt crack up again. Tom meant 'hack' as in computer hack, but he never corrected Tom since he found that to be so hilarious.
"I don't know myshelf." He shrugged before he heard footsteps running down the hall, and soon an exhausted looking Edd with a face mask and Tord carrying him with 1 arm came in as he gave a shy smile to Matt and handed him a pastry box.
"S-Sorry were s-sorta late... Edd h-hates h-h-hospitals..."
Edd only gave a small nod before he let Tord put him down and then gently held his sweater sleeve as he looked like he was about to pass the fuck out. Matt smiles as he looked at the pastry and could feel the envy of Tom as he peered over looking at the 3 large macaroons before Matt softly chuckled and handed one to him.
"Oh my god! I love you so much I swear this is probably going on my new list of reasons why I love you!!!"
Tom blurted that out loudly making Matt wince as Tord gently chuckled.
"I should t-take Edd home..."
"Well at leasht teh whole hospital knowz where a "Shee you guys later."

When they took Matt into surgery, Tom just stayed in his hospital room while he left 1 and a half macaroon for Matt to make things fair and then that's when he saw the tall mirror. He got up from the couch that he was eating the macaroons on and observed himself in the mirror. He was pretty... thick. Matt told Tom how much he loved his curves and Tom never knew what that meant. He paused as he started to slide his hands around his sides before his face.
"Oh... I do look like a girl, is that why Matt likes me? Wait, no because... he isn't into girls."
Tom paused as he stopped feeling himself before he then noticed Matt's phone. He knew Matt's password, and was just planning on playing that cute cat kart game, but his eyes got distracted on a message.
'Your uncle has passed away Matthew. I know you never liked him but your relatives are not saying nice things about you. I know you don't care, but listen. He left you a few hundred dollars in his will and you don't need a reputation of being spoiled and greedy. Please come for me, not for him.'

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