Collin vs space god... the return of ultra instinct!

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If I try to catch him off guard... then maybe just maybe... hey kid aren't you going to fight! Said the reporter. Hold on max...isn't that Collin? Said Jackson. Oh wow your right damn him! I'm going to kill him after this! Said max. Space god fired an energy beam at Collin. Collin dodge! Said Kyle. Collin moves so quick that the human eye couldn't see it. He sure is fast. Said hit. Vegeta I think we should go in and help him. Said Goku. No way I'm not helping you and that kryptonian over there can go and help but not me. Said Vegeta. Fine. Alright Superman let's go. Said Goku. Superman and Goku both flew but there was a force filed. This fight is between me and the xtron. Said space god. You'll get your turn after I kill him for good.he also said. Goku tried instant transmission but he just got launched back 5 miles across Antarctica. Hmph what a fool. Said king Vegeta. Let the match begin! Said the reporter. Collin got into his battle pose and so did space god. I need to morph but the whole world will know who I am, I need to get into that iceberg somehow. Thought Collin. Why aren't they fighting? Said chad. He's trying to figure out away on how to morph secret so the whole world won't know he's the black ranger. Said Zach in his accent. Makes sense,he didn't morph like we did. Said Kyle. Hey space god,let's keep this at 2% and then after a while we can go all out! Said Collin. Fine with me. Said space god. He thinks that I don't know what he's trying to do. He thought. The two clashed fist unexpectedly and caught everyone off guard except the rangers and the heroes. Wow! It made Antarctica shake! Said the male reporter. The two kicked each other as well. Man,this is boring it's starting off like a regular karate tournament. Said the other male reporter. Yeah something tells me that they're not going all out like the rangers normally do. Said the female reporter. Collin and space god struggled, small bults of lightning strikes both of them. Collin threw space god and flew into the iceberg to morph. A black light shined from the iceberg and Collin flew back out. Look mommy the black ranger! Said a toddler in the underground bunker. Thank goodness they didn't film me morph. Thought Collin. Alright I'm ready! Said Collin to space god. This is for you,dad,mom and the others he killed. Thought Collin. It's about time your lucky I didn't just kill you right then and there. Said space god. I won't let this planet have the same fate mine did! Said Collin. Collin charged up an energy blast and fired it at space god. Space god caught it and threw it at an iceberg and exploded.  Is that all you got? Said space god. I really want to join in! Said chad. Chad no you can't right now you'll die! Said Kyle putting his arm out. Ahhhh!!!! Collin yelled flying towards space god with his bull cannon. He moved at light speed. Now that's what I'm talking about boy! Said space god. Collin began to speak in his native language. Space god did the same. What are they saying? Said Kyle. There saying something in there native language. Said jiren Whit so English isn't Collin's real language?! Said chad no. Said mike. Then all of a sudden a huge blast came from both of them! This time they were going all out. We could hear screaming from Collin in pain but we couldn't see nether of them! Mommy this is scary! Said a toddler. They appeared and space god was running Collin across an iceberg with his face. Collin's suit was ripped in half and his helmet is about to crack. Everyone hide your young children's eyes! This is getting morbid! Said the reporter.  Space god threw Collin to the ground and stepped on his chest. Goku flew in just in time to rescue Collin to give him another senzu bean. Come on Collin,you can't die now! Said Goku. You need to continue fighting! He also said. Collin woke up and all his scars and blood were gone. G-Goku? Said Collin. Good now go back fighting. Said Goku getting Collin back on his feet. Two aliens ready too die,perfect. Make that four,but not too die. Said Superman. I don't want to help at all. Said Vegeta. But this is for my saiyan pride. He also said. He turned super saiyan god and Goku turned super saiyan  1. What is that the legendary super saiyan? Said king Vegeta. I knew my son could surpass all the saiyans. Said bardock. Then king Vegeta and bardock started to fade away. There time was up. Hey wait where are you going?! Said Pedro. Sadly our time is up kid, goodbye. Said bardock. I just want to thank you on how much you taught us. Said Kyle. Yeah. Said josh. Your welcome Joshua and Kyle. And rangers. Said bardock. Izuku, go beyond. Plus ultra.Said king Vegeta. A tear rolled down izuku's face. Goodbye sons! Said king Vegeta and bardock. The two saiyans of legends left into thin air.  The two saiyans appeared in the sky then faded away. A tear rolled down Goku's face. He knew his father left. I'll do my best,dad. Said Goku with his voice breaking. Father,there's so much more I could teach you, maybe next time once I die for good and see you in hell. Said Vegeta. The four aliens powered up Superman went to his prime 1,000,000 Vegeta went to his super saiyan blue evolution, Goku went into super saiyan god, and Collin went into his battleizer. You guys can join with your family. Said space god. The four aliens walked up to space god. Let's all attack him at once! Said Collin. The three aliens nodded there head. They went into a high speed fight causing all of Antarctica to shake. The made a hole in the ground and the iceberg fell on top of them. KAMEHAMEHA!!!! FINAL FLASH!!!!! Yelled Goku and vegeta firing at space god. FLASH SPRIT!!! Yelled Goku firing his dad's attack. Space god punched Goku in the stomach and kicked him in the face. Collin came in and head butted him! Space god grabbed Goku and flew up high into space. Shit saiyans can't breathe in space! Said Vegeta. They flew up to save Goku but space god knocked them all down out of the ring and landed in the city. OUT! Said space god. Space god was about to tear Goku in half and then,it happened. A white light shined and Goku's hair was silver. His eyes were too. And so was his eyebrows. He had a serious look on his face. Space god and Goku both landed back down. This is the return of autonomous ultra instinct! TO BE CONTINUED...

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