The night in remote planet prison

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My lord, we've got outsiders. Said the cloaked figure. The rangers had hand cuffs cuffed around there hands. Look,sir we really don't want any trouble we were just looking for my brother after we found him and this whole time we we're being haunted down and we crashed landed and- SILENCE! Said the king. Kyle jumped back. Take them to the prison. Said the king. Now hold on this isn't fair! Said Kyle. Kyle, it's no use on trying to fight this they won't believe you. Said sprinkle. Kyle's eyebrows started to change colors. Wait... did your eyebrows just change colors? Asked the king. N-no... said Kyle. Guess it was just my imagination. Said the king. Anyways take them away. Yes my lord. Said the slave. They all walked off. I could've sworn I saw the boy's eyebrows change colors. Thought the king sipping wine. Now I don't know how long you guys will be in here but normally when outsiders come across our planet we put them in here and have them enter a tournament. Said the slave. Tournament? Said Kyle. Yup and if you lose you get executed or for simple words you get killed. Said the slave. Anyways,good luck. Said the slave walking away closing the cage. I don't want to enter a tournament! Said Pedro. Josh was pasting around pack and forth. Josh! Calm down! Said Collin. I can't calm down! What if we'll lose! Did you here what he said? We'll get killed! Said josh. Dude,unless if you forgot one I'm an alien two we're power rangers! Said Collin. Just because we're power rangers we still might lose! Said josh. Ugh! Said Collin. Boys,calm down! Said Kyle. Calm down?? Said josh. Dude we all thought you died on earth when it exploded! Oh so you're going to bring that up when it happened one year ago hello?? Do you here me?? I'm standing right here talking still leading the team! Said Kyle. Who are you talking to I'm older then you! Said josh. Yeah by like 3 years older! Said Kyle. Yeah?? And?? Said josh. Guys guys break it up! Said Matthew. We are not going to lose the tournament! He said. Yeah i guess you're right said josh sitting on the bed. Kyle sat next to sprinkle. Hey Kyle you've never told me how max scared you and chad on Halloween. Said sprinkle. Oh yeah I forgot about that. Said Kyle. He went into another flashback. Kyle and chad are you ready for Halloween tonight?? Said mom. Yeah!! Said Kyle and chad dressed in there Halloween costumes. The boys were dressed as power rangers. Look at my two little rangers! Said mom. Moom! Said Kyle. Ok ok. Said mom. I'm so excited! Said chad. Me too! Said Kyle man I still can't believe that legendary rangers came and saved us all from emperor marvor! Said Kyle. Other kids were dressed up as rangers too! They went to every house on the block. This house is a bit scary. Said chad. Yeah,it is! Said Kyle. The twins walked up to the front door. They knocked on the door. The door opened by itself. The twins stepped back. Mommy I don't want to go in there it's scary! Said chad. Yeah said Kyle. Behind the house max and Jackson were standing behind a bush. These kid are so gullible! Said max. Yeah look at them there scared like little baby's! Said Jackson. Show time they both said. They turned on the smoke machine. The smoke went all around the house keeping there mom out of sight. Mom! Said Kyle. Then a creepy laugh sound came out if nowhere. The twins stood back to back. Something grabbed chad by the foot and pulled him into the house. Kyle! Yelled chad. Chad! Yelled Kyle trying to grab his hand. In the bush max and Jackson chuckled. They don't know that there's a secret hidden camera! Said Jackson. Dude,you're smart! Said max. I know. Smiled Jackson. No no no no! Said Kyle. Then a skeleton fell in front of Kyle. AHHH! Yelled Kyle in fear falling to the ground. Now time for the trap door. Said max pushing a button. AHHH!! Yelled Kyle falling through the trap door. Time to unleash the zombies and clowns! Said max. Kyle stood up. What are these doors for? Said Kyle. All the doors opened and zombies and clowns came out. AHHHH!!! Yelled Kyle. The zombies and clowns jumped in to Kyle. Get off me!! Help somebody!! Said Kyle. He tried pushing the zombies and clowns off him. They all opened there mouths up wide. Then chad fell out of nowhere. Chad pulled Kyle out. Then the army of zombies and clowns stopped. The lights turned on. There stood Jackson and max. Trick or treat loser you've been pranked and it's all over the internet! Said Jackson fist bumping max. Really again?? Said Kyle. Hehe yup! Said max. Then Kyle came out of the flashback. How old were you and chad at that time? Said sprinkle. We were six and that's where chad got his episodes from. Said Kyle. And also where I got my fear of clowns and zombies. Said Kyle. God I hate him I don't understand why everyone likes him and Jackson! Said sprinkle. Yeah we were never chosen in p.e. We always had to sit on the curb. Said Kyle. Then the announcements came on. Can we have all prisoners come to the tournament ring we need teams 1-60. Said the tournament announcer. TO BE CONTINUED....

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