Back in the fight!

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Ok guys we need a plan! Said sprinkle. But those androids are impossible to defeat there's no possible way. Said Pedro. Yeah you saw what happened back there! Said josh.  Yeah there's just to many! Said Tom. Guys we're power rangers we're spoused to protect the earth and galaxy from evil the first rangers thought the same thing. So did the mega force rangers when the invasion started back in 2013/2014! We're apart of the legacy! Said Zach. Yeah and so were those rangers! Said Collin.  Yeah and if we got back in that fight,zordon and the past mentors would be proud of us! Said Matthew. Yeah! You're right! Said Tom. Yeah! For the future of the universe! Said Pedro and josh. The rangers put there fist together. Rangers forever! They all said. Mrs. Tyler, is Kyle ready yet? Said Collin. He should be. Said mrs. Tyler. She emptied the healing chamber and opened the hatch. She pulled off the mask. What's going on? Said Kyle. We're getting back in the fight! Said Collin. But we don't even have a plan! Said Kyle. That's easy,we'll go at them with full force using all our strength! Said Tom. But we don't even know there weak spot! Said Kyle. We'll figure it out! Said sprinkle. Guys!! I found the blueprint!!! Said the worker running. The rangers turned around. The weak spot is in there back!! Said Kyle. Great then we'll attack there! Said Matthew. Remember full force with all our weapons!!! Said Collin. The rangers morphed and ran out the sewer and climbed up the ladder and opened the manhole. The rangers teleported to the beach. So you're back for another beating? Said Jason. We're not going to lose this time!! Said Kyle.  Very confident for someone who just got beat up. Said west. The rangers ran at each other. Kyle fought all the red rangers. GALACTIC BATTLELIZER!! Yelled Kyle. A lion swarmed around Kyle from head to toe. Kyle clashed swords with Jason.  Your weak Kyle! You can't even protect your own brother!! Said Jason. SHUT UP RAGH!!!! Yelled Kyle. Come on, boy you know it's true!! Said Jason kicking Kyle into the ocean. Kyle stood back up. An aura came up around Kyle. Kyle went all out. Extraordinary power this kid has! He must have unlocked the full power of the morphin grid! Said Jason. GALACTIC GUN!!!!! Yelled Kyle. Instead of the gun, a flamethrower came into Kyle's hands. This will do. Said Kyle. Jason! Ether give up now, or get hurt! Said Kyle. I'll never give up!! Said Jason. He pulled out his gun. Fine suit yourself! Said Kyle. Kyle jumped up into the air and aimed for Jason's back and pulled the trigger. A huge flame came out of the gun. The box broke and the evil spell came out of Jason. He was back to normal! What happened? Said Jason. You were just under an evil spell, but we could really need your help right now! Said Kyle. Ok. I'm in! Said Jason pulling out his morpher. He morphed into the red ranger. The two rangers fist bumped each other. All right,back to action! Said Jason.  The two rangers backflipped in the air. The two landed on there knees. Power sword!! Said Jason. Lion gun!! Said Kyle. So, Kyle I see you've finally found our weak spot. Said Zach. Zach, you don't have to do this! Said Jason. I'm doing what zordon never did!! Said Zach. POWER AXE!!! Yelled Zach. The power axe came into Zach'a hands.  Collin came flying out of nowhere and punched Zach in the face! This is my fight! Said Collin. Woah! He can fly?! Said Jason. Yup. He's an alien! Said Kyle. What?! Said Jason. Look,kid I don't know who you are but I don't care I'll destroy you!  Said Zach. The two collided fists. It shook the whole beach. So strong! Said Jason. Collin started firing energy blasts at Zach. Collin used his teleportation powers to go behind Zach and slammed him onto the sand!  I-I can't even tell who's winning! Said Jason. HIYAHHH!!! Yelled Zach while slamming his power axe into Collin. Collin blocked it with just one finger.  He flipped Zach back! Collin grabbed Zach by the leg and slammed him down face first. Collin flew down. BULL CANNON!! He said. His bull cannon came out and he fired it to the box. He destroyed the box and the spell came out of Zach. He stood over Zach for a while. Zach woke up. Gosh,what happened? He said. You were just under a spell. Said Collin. Jason and Kyle ran up to them. Dude! That was the most un-human thing I ever saw! Well of course then being given  super hero powers. Said Jason. Thanks said Collin. Let's go see the others! Said Kyle. Right! Said the rangers. The rest of the galactic rangers were surrounded. Then out of nowhere a blast came out. It was Zach! Should we make them grow,my lord? Said the slave. Why not? Said space god. No don't! Said chad. SILNCE BOY!! Yelled space god. A green beam hit all the Android rangers and made them grow. Oh no! Said the rangers. Alright let's do this!! Said Jason. T-Rex zord!!! Mastodon zord!! Yelled Zach and Jason. Zodiac king bring us our zords!! Yelled the rangers. This time only 11 zords showed up. Rangers you can combine your zords with Jason's and Zach's zords!! Said Kyle's mom. Alright!! Said Kyle. Zodiac king bring our zords together!!! They all said. All the zords combined together. Dino-galactic megazord ready!!!!! Said the rangers. Then the Android rangers fused together. WHAT?! They fused!! Said Pedro.  The megazord got hit hard. AGH!!! Yelled the rangers.  The megazord took another hit ragh!!!! They yelled. Quick we need to finis th- the rangers got hit again. GALACTIC SABER!!! Yelled Kyle. A saber came flying down. The megazord grabbed the sword and flew behind the fused Android rangers and cut the box in half. The fussed rangers came apart and grew back to normal size.  Alright! The universe is saved once again!! Said Kyle. The rangers jumped out of the megazord.  W-what happened? Said Tyler. All of you guys got controlled by a spell. You guys even might have killed a few people.... said Pedro. Oh no! Said tommy. Guys I'm so sorry about this! Said Justin. Everything is ok! In fact we need your help to rescue my brother! Said Kyle. Ok! Hold on! Said Adam. The rangers cloned there selves so that they can protect while there off with Kyle and the others. They went back into the sewer and apologized to everyone. Who's going to protect us if there's another attack? Said a woman. Don't worry ma'am we learned a cloning technique so that if villains attack,we'll be here while the real us are out with the rangers. Said TJ. Thank you rangers. Said Kyle's mom. No problem mrs. Tyler! Said Justin. Andros! Get the Astro mega ship prepared! Said Kyle. Ok. The Astro mega ship was ready and the rangers took off again. DAMN YOU RANGERS!!!!!!!!!! Yelled space god in rage. See I told you, my friends and my brother always finds away! Said chad. You dare to mock me!!!! Said space god knocking chad out. I'm sick and tired of this!! Said space god. What shall we do? My lord? Said a slave. Send out all forces and cloak this planet so we won't be seen. Said space god. Yes sir. Said the slave. TO BE CONTINUED....

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