Let the galatic tournerment,begian!

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Alright listen up! This is a tournament to the death! If your team loses then you die! The tournament will start in five minutes! Said the announcer. But we didn't even sign up for this! Said Pedro. If outsiders land on our planet, then we have them enter the tournament. Said the announcer. But we were just looking for my brother and the Astro mega ship crashed landed here! Said Kyle. The announcer stopped in his tracks. Astro mega ship? Said the announcer. Only the power rangers use that! Yeah we're power rangers and we need new parts! Said Kyle oh my gosh why didn't you just tell us sooner! I'll go tell the king right now but you'll still have to take on all warriors still! Said the announcer. Oh my god thank you!! Said Kyle. No problem! Said the announcer. Can all 60 warriors come into the ring now that wasn't a question it was a demand! Said the king. All 60 doors opened. Woah look at all those warriors! Said Collin. Yeah I know it's a lot! Said josh. The crowd it's huge! Said Zach. Let the galactic tournament, begin!! Said the announcer. Guys,let's stick together! Said josh. Wait Kyle where are you going? Said Pedro. Hey kid! Said a warrior. Huh what's that orb? Kyle grabbed on to his orb. You can't have it! Said Kyle. What is it for hm? It's from the morphin grid! Said Kyle. What! Only the power rangers have access to the morphin grid! You're right. Smiled Kyle. The warrior tried to punch Kyle. What where'd the boy go? He vanished! Said the warrior. No I didn't. Said Kyle. The warrior turned around. What the?? He said. Your a power ranger I knew something was s up with you!! Said the warrior. Galactic lion battle mode charge up! Said Kyle. A lion swarmed around Kyle from head to toe. Galactic lion fire gun! Said Kyle. A gun in a shape of a lion appeared in Kyle's hand. Launch in 5! 4! 3! It's not to late to forfeit. said Kyle. Rargh never!!! Said the warrior. Ok then. I didn't want to do this the human race is peaceful but when danger threatens the rangers are always there to protect it! The rangers protect earth for many years! 2! Said Kyle. I'll finish you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Said the warrior running to Kyle. 1! Galactic blast!!!!!!!!!!!! Said Kyle pulling the trigger. A red blast came out of the lion gun and ended the warrior. Team 59 warrior is out cold!!! Said the announcer. Kyle put the galactic lion gun on his gun holder on his belt. Phew that was close! Said Kyle. The crowd went silent. So did all the warriors in the ring. D-did you see that? Asked a person in the crowd. The person next to him shook his head no. Let's get a replay!! Said the announcer. The tv replayed the moment 3 times in different angles. A drone came down and picked up the warrior. That kid he's powerful we better watch out! Said a team member of 59. Uh-huh. Said the second member. Wait he mentioned the power rangers? Could that mean that... he and his team are apart of the ranger legacy? Said the member. Oh yeah his team has the same orbs but different colored orbs! Wait the kid with the black shirt.... there's something different about him. Said the warrior. The warrior took out his scanner and pointed it to Collin. What the the kid in the black shirt isn't human at all! Said a member. What do you mean? Said the other member. The scanner says he came from another planet! The planet says he came from Planet X! He said. What Planet X??!!! Said a member. Yeah he was sent to earth 5 days earlier before it got destroyed! What?? Impossible!!! Said the other member. What does it say about the kid in the red shirt?? He's a full blooded human but with powers from the morphin grid same with the others. But the one in black is a complete full blooded alien! Can we have Collin and a warrior from any team come into the ring? Said the king. Good luck Collin! Said Kyle patting Collin on the back. Collin morphed. Music played in the background. Hey isn't this music from earth? Said Kyle. Yeah it is! Said sprinkle. Dude watch out he's an alien!! Said a member from team 59. Collin and warrior from team 60 collide fist. The whole ring shook. The two bounced back. The fight was so fast that you couldn't even see it! Collin kicked the warrior in the face so hard! The warrior stood back up and punched Collin! Collin almost fell out of the ring! Woah that was close! Said Collin. He pulled himself back. Up in the ring. His foot was almost hanging off the edge. Collin grabbed a hold of his breath. He got in his battle pose. The warrior ran to Collin yelling. Collin dodged the punch! The fight went back to fast speed. The two warriors flew up and started firing energy blast. The crowd and the warriors tried to keep up with there fight but only the rangers could see there fight. There going so fast I can't even see them!! Said the announcer. Smoke was covering the whole arena and the crowd. The two warriors charged up energy blast and fired them at the same time! It shook the whole entire planet! The warrior teleported behind Collin grabbed him and flew him to the ground! Collin escape just in time and punched the warrior in the stomach. The warrior stood back up. He used his mind power and started throwing random stuff at Collin! Collin dodged everyone of them! Collin kicked the warrior in the arm and shook the planet again! The warriors went back to the fast fight! I can't even tell who's winning! Said the announcer. The warrior finally landed a hit on Collin but it didn't phase him! The fight stopped. Good job you actually landed a hit on me I'm impressed! Said Collin. He wiped away the nose bleed like it was nothing! You're not the only one who's from another planet Collin! Said the warrior. I can tell you're not from earth! In fact I think my team are the only earthlings in this tournament! Said Collin. What are they talking about? Said a person in a crowd. Who's winning? The two warriors went back to there fight. 2 more minutes until this match is up! Said the announcer. The two warriors landed on the ground. The warrior charged up his final attack. The whole ring started to shake. GALACTIC BULL BATTLELIZER CHARGE UP!! A bull swarmed around Collin from head to toe. A bull cannon appeared in Collin's hands. 20 seconds! Said the announcer. DARK ATTACK FIRE!!! Yelled the warrior . BULL CANNON FIRE!!! Yelled Collin. The two attacks collided. The two warriors were struggling. Then Collin unleashed the full power of the bull cannon and knocked the warrior off the ring completely! Power down! Said Collin. The ranger suit formed off of him. Collin walked over to his friends. Good job man! Said josh. Thanks. Said Collin sitting down. The whole crowd and warriors were shocked aging. So far the rangers are winning this match... said the announcer. Kyle high fives Collin. Can we have josh and warrior from team number 1. Said the announcer frightened knowing what's going to happen. Good luck! Said the rangers. Thanks! Said josh. He met face to face with his warrior. Let the match,begin!!! Said the announcer. TO BE CONTINUED....

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