The tournerment that decides the fate of the universe.

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Keep up your guard! Said Goku. Damnit! I knew he wouldn't come in quietly! Said Vegeta. This reminds me of frieza all over again. Said Gohan. Trunks fired a ki blast at space god. TRUNKS NO!!! Yelled piccolo. Space god deflected the ki blast and hit the middle of the ocean causing a tsunami. DAMNIT BOY! Yelled vegeta firing a galic gun at the tsunami making it stop. Foolish mortals. Said space god. Leave our planet now! Said Collin. You look familiar boy. Said space god. Collin stand back! Said josh. Ah, yes I know who you are now, you're the last remaining survivor of your race. Said space god. Hm, to bad you will die the same way as your family and race did. Said space god. The xtrons were  weak and disappointing but you seem pretty strong. Said space god. Collin no... said chad. An xtron? I've never heard of them before. Said Goku. Collin, you have no idea who destroyed and planed the extinction of the rest of your race do you? I bet you you have no idea who even built the space androids. I knew your family was still alive so I sent out the space androids to kill them. THATS ENOUGH!!!! Yelled Collin. Oh? But I haven't even gotten to the good part.... Collin flew towards space god but space god twisted his hand and held Collin in a choking position. I killed your race by sending there sun into there planet! Said space god. And it was beautiful! He also said. You you MONSTER!!!!!!!!! Yelled Collin. I'm not done yet don't interrupt the story like that! Said space god. After that, I ate your whole universe and then, I'll eat this universe as well. Said space god. How dare you!!!! Said Collin. His power exploded! Said Vegeta. Collin broke free from space God's hand. Don't worry, you'll be with your race soon enough! Said space god. What's going on up there now? Said a teacher. It feels like the whole world is ending again. Said Kyle and chads mom.  Hey where did max and Jackson go? Said Kyle and chads little cousin. Yeah and where are Kyle and chad? Said there oldest cousin. I uh... I don't know. Said  the two parents. Please be safe up there. Thought there mom. Well, we don't have to worry the power rangers will save us like they always do! Said the reporter. Max! Normally I will take your side but we should really go back to the underground bunker! Said Jackson. No! I want to see what the hell is going on! Said max. But our cousins are power rangers! Just let them handle it! I don't care if there "power rangers" or not! They just got lucky! Said max. The only reason why the orbs chose them and not us is because both Kyle and chad are pure hearted! Said Jackson. Yeah?? And?? Said max. And we're not! Said Jackson. Then all of a sudden Kyle got punched and flew back to where max and Jackson were. What are you guys doing out of the underground bunker?! Said Kyle. Because we're older! Said max. It doesn't matter!! This isn't just the fate of the world this time it's the fate of the whole multiverse! Said Kyle. What do you mean? Said max. We're fighting a god! Said Kyle. A god that can end the whole multiverse in just a blink of an eye!! Said Kyle. The multiverse? There's no such thing of a multiverse! Said max. Yeah and there's no way you and those other losers can face a god! Said Jackson. The orbs chose me and chad and our friends for a reason! Said Kyle. Yeah yeah I know it's that "pure of heart bull shit"! Said max. Yes and another reason! Said Kyle. What's the other reason then? Said max. It's because the morphin grid knew we can save the earth and the multiverse! Said Kyle. Now get back to the underground bunker!!! Said Kyle. NO! We want to see you "fight a god that can end the multiverse" said max. I'm not playing around when I say that!! Said Kyle. He literally destroyed a planet with a sun and ate that entire universe! Said Kyle frustratedly. Yeah, sure Kyle. Said Jackson rolling his eyes. Fine, come with me but stay far back and I mean far back! Said Kyle. No we can get as close to the fight we want because we're adults! Said max. This isn't the same fight you did with the clone rangers! Said Kyle. Nor is it the fight when the other villains came! Those were all just test for space god to see what we can do! Said Kyle. What about the fight where you fought space queen? Said Jackson. That was a real fight I almost died during that. Said Kyle. Yeah sure. Said max. I got impaled TWICE!!! Said Kyle. I even got stomped on in the neck! Said Kyle. This is your last chance to change your mind. Said Kyle. No we're not changing our minds. They both said. Yeah and I'll be live streaming it on instagram! Said max. In fact, Jackson go get a reporter so everyone can see the fight! Said max. Ok! Jackson ran to the bunker and grabbed a reporter and a crew. Kyle morphed before he got back with the news crew. Oh my gosh the red ranger! I actually get to meet you in person! Said the reporter. This is no time for games! Said Kyle. The reporter jumped back in fear. Yes sir! She said. Do you have a helicopter? Said Kyle. Y-yes.. said the reporter. Good go grab it and bring along these two and stay out of the fight. Ok! The reporter, news crew and max and Jackson ran to the news tower. Kyle rapped his watch and he teleported back to the fight. Kyle your back! Said chad. How's everything going? Said Kyle. Not good. Collin just got blasted in the heart luckily Goku brought senzu beans. But there not healing him. Said chad. Then the boys heard a scream from Collin. The boys ran up to him and Collin had a huge whole in his back! Blood was spelling out of him and soon enough, he died. Poor Collin, died in his own blood. Said space god. You monster! Said josh. Space god hit josh all the way into the ocean. Now, boy do you really want to rush your death? Said space god. Space god repeatedly punched josh in the face. Josh passed out but space god couldn't tell if he was dead. Hm he didn't seem to last as well as that xtron did. What a bummer. Said space god. THATS ENOUGH!!! Gohan powered up into a super saiyan 2. Gohan non-stopped fired ki blast at space god. Space god appeared behind Gohan and knocked him out unconscious. One by one they will all fall. Thought space god. Goku picked up every body and instant transmissions away.  Then space god flew towards the news tower. Is the helicopter almost ready? Said Jackson. Almost got it- the helicopter exploded into pieces. The news cameras turned to space god. People of earth, your planet will end within 2 weeks from now. But I won't destroy it. I am holding a tournament that will decide this galaxies fate along with earth.  Remember 2 weeks from now earth will be destroyed if your heroes fail to defeat me! And if you want to see what it looks like when I destroy earth well, he pointed his hand to a wall and fired a energy blast through the wall. That's what it will look like. Said space god. Set it on the calendar say goodbye to your friends and family have your last meals and fun together have god last night together and the, kaboom goes the earth and galaxy. But I will live forever I can go on all across space and time but you mortals, no. Said space god. Then space god reached his hand to the camera man and fired a blast cutting off all tv signal. TO BE CONTINUED...

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