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I just realized I didn't add a prologue. That's one thing I'll work on once I finish editing.

By the time the Cryptonloids and Master reach Japan

3rd/ Author's POV
As the Cryptonloids, and Master return to Japan, they get welcomed back by the other Vocaloids, like Miki, Yuki, Kiyoteru and Oliver, and a few Utauloids and Fanloids.

"Tadaima!" Miku, Rin, Meiko Kaito cheer, happy to see their Vocaloid, Utauloids and Fanloids friends again.

"Tadaima..." Len greets in a gloomy tone.

"We're home!" Luka says.

"Okaeri!" The other Vocaloids, Utauloids, and Fanloids greet.

The Cryptonloids were immediately swarmed with questions like 'how was Kalos', 'what were the people like', 'did you meet people that look like you', and so on and so forth.

"We'll answer those questions once we eat lunch, 'kay?" Miku says.

"You guys didn't eat?" Fukase asks.

"Yeah, we didn't feel hungry and we only had breakfast." Len answers.

"So, how was Fukase?" Rin asks.

"Fukase was a bit annoying. He, along with Teto, kept on complaining on how they wanted to go to Kalos with you." Flower explains.

"Anyway, I've been thinking about it for a while and why not we have the concert in Sinnoh with Fukase and Teto, to make up for not being able to go to Kalos." Luka suggests.

"Yeah, I didn't get a chance to bully Fuckass over a week." Len chuckles.

"Master, Len is being a meanie!" Fukase whines.

"Fukase, you're not a baby anymore." Master says.

"While you weren't around, I bullied Fuckass for you, Len." Una, filled with pride, says with her hands on her hips.

"Una, why do you have to be so mean?" Fukase whined more.

"Your name sounds like 'Fuckass', maybe that's why." Piko says in V2.

"Sorry, Piko, you'll have to speak up. We can't hear you over your V2." Fukase and Flower sass.

"Mother fu-"


"Master, Fukase and Flower so mean! I don't wanna be in V2 anymore; they'll will just bully me about it!" Piko starts whining in V2.

"Don't worry, Piko, I'll give you an update and you will be in V2, no more." Master reassures, patting Piko's head.

"Yay!" He cheers.

"What else?" Master thinks. "Oh, yeah, your appearance!"

"Yeah. At first, I thought Piko was a girl but he turned out to be a trap." Una tells. ((Fun fact: I was searching for Piko during computer class in school and my guy classmate was all like: "oh, is that a female?" And I'm all like: "nope, he's a male." And he was all like: "Okay, it's a trap!" In a not really panicky tone and I died, laughing,))

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