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Author POV of Namjoon

Friday evening

All he could see was white. It was so bright and blinding. Now, it was flashing. No, it was passing by. He was moving. But where was he? What was going on? He couldn't remember. There was someone he needed to take care of, a lady. She was small, but it was a perfect size in his eyes. He could almost see them, but his head hurt too much to keep trying. 

He woke up again to more bright lights, but they were still this time. His body ached severely, but at least he could feel all his fingers and toes and his tail. He could hear voices yelling, but it sounded like he was underwater with the ringing in his ears. A door slammed open, and he slowly turned his head to see a man glaring at him. The man wasn't all that scary, but his glare certainly was. Part of him wanted to size the bastard up, but another reminded him he was already in pain and shouldn't go causing more. He decided to listen to the latter. 

"It's about time you woke up, dog. I bet you enjoyed your little nap. The little pup took a nap while my grandmother laid dying!" the male spat. 

'What a jerk,' Namjoon thought.

"I bet you were waiting for this, weren't you?" another man's voice accused.

Namjoon strained to see the owner of the new voice, but he was in too much pain to rush it. Namjoon was forced to wait until the man stepped around Sir Dirtbag to get a good look. He also looked like a jerk. He kind of looked like Jerkbag; maybe they were brothers. 

Yes! They are.

The past few hours suddenly flashed through Namjoon's mind and became filled with so many emotions, a few he had never felt before. He stared blankly at the two brothers as the memories of his life played through his mind at hyper speed. Now, he was pissed. He was a wolf, for fuck's sake. How'd he let things get this bad? He should've run away or stolen food. Or worse. These two did this to him, and he just let them. Oh, they're so going to pay. 

Eun Jae!

Namjoon looked up to Seung Go. He didn't look like he was grieving, but then again, these two never showed anything other than boredom or rage. If he seemed reasonable, that meant either Eun Jae was alive, or he just didn't care. Though if he didn't care, he wouldn't be in Namjoon's hospital room.

"W-" he coughed, his voice dry and breathy. Just then, a nurse walked in, a tall, dark-haired woman dressed in light pink scrubs. She was attractive, had a sweet smile, at least.

"Oh, good. You've woken up. Don't fret over not being able to speak just yet. You've been out for a few hours. Can you remember anything?" the woman asked, checking Namjoon's machines and vitals.

He looked dead at Hyun Seo and nodded once. Hyun Seo glared, but Namjoon kept a blank face.

"Well, everything's looking good here. You had a few cracked ribs and some terrible bruising, but everything should be healing up. You'll be fine in a few days," the nurse smiled softly at Namjoon before walking out. 

No one spoke, but the tension was so suffocatingly thick, you could cut it with a plastic knife. The door opened again, revealing another girl; this lady was much shorter with lighter hair. She wore baby-blue scrubs and carried a cup with a straw in one hand. She looked up from the floor at the three men, only two were staring at her, but one was chilling while the other was blank. Then, swallowing her nerves, she slid over to Namjoon's bed. 

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