A New Era

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Most families are weird but mine has to be the weirdest. It all started when my mom met my dad, and they fell in love, then they had my eldest brother, Seuggo. He was unexpected but not unwanted. In fact, our parents loved him like crazy. I can't blame them; he was a cute kid, dimples, a cute grin, curious doe eyes and chocolate hair to match. But, they felt bad that they couldn't always play with him so they decided to have another child. They enjoyed that process very much for some reason, but after a few tries, along came my headache in physical form, my annoying but loveable brother, Sanwoo.

Now, Sanwoo was clever but way mischievous, always pulling pranks on anyone he could. I'll admit some were great, and I could appreciate it because his patience was impeccable. One time, he moved every piece of living room furniture subtly for weeks, and neither of our parents noticed. Until our dad came in after work and jammed his toe on the coffee table, cursing so loud he woke us up. It was amusing to watch my father, a tall muscular man, get chewed out by his tiny wife in bunny pj's.

After a little while, I came along. Hi, I'm Y/N, and this is where life got kind of crazy. Well, not for me, not yet. Let's just say the world got a new toy to abuse. 

Across the sea in America, there was this scientist named Dr. Bryce Dekyll. Now, he wasn't a bad guy, he was just a little out of the ordinary. He was a charming and caring guy, and he was always trying new things and solving impossible formulas. He was really into mythology and sci-fi, like Harry Potter and Star Trek type of stuff.

One day, he decided to create hybrids. He claims he got the idea from the second Harry Potter movie when Hermione made the polyjuice potion and turned herself into a cat. He figured since magic wasn't real, he'd use science instead.

Well, things worked out better than he thought. After months of calculations and weeks of trials, he finally managed to create one. The first time, he did it himself just in case there were bad side effects. Using DNA from himself and his own ginger calico, Ron, he injected himself with a serum he created. The first few doses didn't really affect him, but he began to see results after a while. It began with his immune system returning to its peak performance plus some, curing all his previous ailments; all of his senses were enhanced ten-fold. Then after a few days, his agility got better, much better than his 55-year-old bones should have been.

It wasn't until his behavior became- abnormal that people finally started to notice. He'd began acting more cat-like; playing with string or rays of light, self-grooming like a cat would, meowing at random, even sleeping in warm spots in his office at odd hours. One morning, he woke up with cat ears and a long slender tail identical to his own cat. To say he and Ron were shocked would be sugar-coating it. 

Of course, that meant Dekyll couldn't leave his house for a while but he didn't mind one bit. He found that living like a cat was much more relaxing. Except the day came when he awoke from an afternoon cuddle nap with Ron, and they were both physically cats, was the icing on the cake.   

After a few days, Dekyll figured out how to change back into human form and, in doing so, discovered how he switched in the first place. He had a nightmare of being chased and the only way of escape was through a small hole. After that, he learned he could force the change and continued to switch back and forth when the mood struck him. The secret was to either feel the form, although sometimes it gets triggered, similar to a normal person's fight or flight reflex. For a while, things were perfect. He would work as long as he had to in his human form, only allowing the extra features when he was alone, and he'd be in his cat form when Ron wanted a playmate his size. And yes, that does imply that he could understand Ron and other cats.

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