Pied Piper

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Mei-Ran was what most would call, eccentric. She was very headstrong and insanely determined but she had the mothering instincts of an elephant. You two had met in summer school during high school, though she was almost two years older than you. Mei-Ran was the school's drama queen. She'd starred in every school play since freshman year. Most thought she'd go on to be an actress with how fast her duality switched or how well she fell into a role but it seemed her passion was producing. She goes to school for all things music producing and works at the music shop so she has time to study. 

At this point, you're sure she's heard every song in the shop and could easily identify a song by a beat or line of lyrics. She was also the first of your friends to get a hybrid when she graduated. Mei-Ran was an only child of semi-rich parents but they were always supportive of her and what she wanted. Her parents' kindness was the reason she became the one friend you could call at 3 AM with any problem, solve it, then lecture you for being up so late. She just had a big heart.

"Y/N-ah, it's been too long! Thank you for walking my sweet Hyruna home a few weeks ago. Poor thing would've been terrified to walk home alone," Mei-Ran said leaning against the counter.

"Don't mention it. She's such a sweetie, I'd go bonkers if something happened to her. How's the store been?"

"Slow today. A few couples or regulars but you're the best surprise. And I see you brought some hybrids with you. Are they yours? When did that happen?"

"Long story. But it's a good one. I found Hobi the night I took Hyruna home, Jin followed Hobi and me home from Peaches and Cream one night and I met Yoongi on the camping trip. It's a shame you and Hyruna couldn't come but I know she doesn't like bugs," you said playing with a string of your hair.

"Yeah, I tried to persuade her but she was too scared. You know she freaks out around cute boys," Mei-Ran giggled.

"Yeah, and my boys would probably give her a heart attack. Hell, they nearly snatched the wigs off everyone at the mall yesterday," you laughed at the memory.

"Really? I don't believe you," she smirked.

"Want to bet?" you challenged raising an eyebrow at her disbelief. She nodded and boy was that her biggest mistake. Slowly, a smirk lifted onto your lips as the devilish thought manifested. With the sweetest voice you could muster, you called for your boys.

"Boys! Come here and meet a good friend of mine. She's dying to see you."

The boys were soon at your side looking between the two of you curiously.

"Boys, this is another high school friend of mine, Mei-Ran. Mei-Ran, these are my boys, Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok."

You watched as her face went from skeptical to absolutely shook. Her eyes were bigger than an iPhone screen, her jaw nearly on the floor. She looked between the three slowly drinking in their features. Jin took a few steps over to her and held out his hand to shake. She slowly looked at it and brought her hand up to meet his. His fingers gripped her hand gently as he bent to kiss the back of her hand before looking into her eyes and smiling.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N's Jindo hybrid, Seokjin."

He slowly retracted his figure back to your side, his smile never fading. Hobi walked over next and grabbed her hand to shake a little wildly, his ever-present sunshine smile on full display.

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