Forgotten Feelings

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As soon and Jin was awake, he knew something was amiss. More specifically, a smell. His new favorite smell. It was so very off. His eyes opened immediately and zoned in on the source. With a huff, his tail swished in anger. A cat, a cat that wasn't Hobi. What cat had the nerve to get his wild smell over his Y/N? The audacity this hybrid had. He'd kill him.

But wait, that meant Y/N left the tent last night. Why would she do that?

Only one way to find out.

Before Jin could reach out to Y/N, Hobi had awaken too, triggered by the smell. Unlike Jin, Hoseok was a lot more attached to Y/N so instead of just being curious, a growl left his lips and he shamelessly, but gently shook Y/N awake. You awoke with a grumble and swatted his hand away attempting to go back to sleep but the cat was relentless. Finally, you rolled over to look at him with a glare that would normally cause him to back down, but it didn't faze him. This time, you were met with the rare Hoseok stare that easily made anyone cower. Anyone but you of course.

"Why do you smell like that?" He growled.

"Like what?" she said rubbing her eyes.

"Like another hybrid," Jin answered for him.

"You guys are hybrids too."

"Yes but this hybrid reeks like the woods. We smell nicer. Why were you in the woods?" Jin said.

Y/N sighed and sat up on her elbows.

"I had trouble sleeping so I went for a walk. I was sitting on a rock when this leopard found me-" She started.

"What?! Did it hurt you? Was it big? Where is it? How dare they touch you?! Where is it?"

The boys fired off so many questions and threats, it was starting to make her head spin. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she quickly silenced them.

"Pause! Take a breath and calm down. Clearly, I am fine so no he didn't hurt me. Don't worry boys. He looked much more scared of me than I was of him. He just fell asleep on my lap after I sang to him. He must've went back to his cave or whatever when he woke up. I'm sure he's all alone out here but I didn't want to force him to come back with me. Besides, I had to come back to my boys. I'll always come back to you guys," she smiled and reached up to pet them earning soft purrs from Hoseok and a gentle tail wag from Jin.

"But you still smell like him..." Jin stated quietly.

She sighed, "I'll take a bath if that'll make you feel better."

Both nodded.

"Alright, now get the other two up. We're going fishing today."

They both smiled and quickly exited the tent. Y/N chuckled and crawled out and went over to their bags to get her clothes. She watched as the boys scurried around the campsite trying to get ready for the day as Jin and Hoseok decided which lures to use. With a slight shake of her head, Y/N trudged over to the designated bathhouse to shower.

20 minutes later, she was back with the others explaining to the hybrids how to fish. At first, Hoseok didn't want to get on the boat but Jin offered to hold his hand which made the bubbly ocelot calm enough to get on. Once he was comfortable, he instantly went back to his bubbly self. He smiled big as the wind blew through his hair and small drops of water splashed on him keeping him cool.

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