Final Destination

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The four of you finally exited the bus when you arrived at the bakery. Jin and Hobi raced to the front door eager to get inside. Yoongi sauntered up next to you and grabbed your hand, his nervousness with another unfamiliar place edging him to keep close to you.

You didn't complain though, instead giving his hand a gentle squeeze and throwing a soft smile his way. The two of you walked inside and stood beside a slightly drooling Jin and a bouncy Hobi. Both boys were planted in front of the display case on their knees like children. It was so cute and a little funny to see two full-grown male hybrids literally on their knees for pastries.

"Yah. Get up, you two look like idiots," Yoongi mocked with a smirk.

You pinched his arm lightly for his insult earning a small whine and pout from him.

"Don't call your brothers idiots. Okay you three, pick one thing each then two things for all of us to share."

With your proclamation, the boys immediately began arguing over what to get. While waiting, you ordered a tea and stood to the side. After a few minutes and many rounds of Rock Paper Scissors, the boys had decided. After you ordered their food and paid, you sat the boys down in a booth clutching your warm tea in your hands. Yoongi sat next to you on your left, Jin was across from you and Hoseok sat next to him.

"Thank you Y/N, for everything," Jin said reaching out and grabbing your hand intermingling your fingers with his.

You instinctively returned the gesture grazing your thumb over the back of his hand.

"Thanks, Y/N," Hobi exclaimed happily clinging to your form.

"Thanks," Yoongi mumbled wrapping his tail around your calf, mimicking the movement of your thumb.

"You're welcome, boys. Did you guys enjoy today?"

A chorus of yes' came from the happy hybrids.

"I'm glad you guys had fun."

"Can we do this again sometime? Like a family day?" Hobi asked hopefully.

"We'll see Hobi," you said genuinely.

The barista soon brought your order and the four of you headed home. You walked in front with Yoongi listening occasionally as Jin was talking to Hoseok about the different pastries when something across the street caught your eye. A little old lady was coming out of what looked to be a rice cake store.

She held a bag of cakes in her left hand and her cane in her right. She looked like an average old woman but beside her stood a familiar face. Today, he was wearing a black and white jogging suit that looked a few sizes too big for him. He took the bag from her and walked a few paces behind so he wouldn't step on her heels. She seemed to be talking to him but whatever she said made his tail drop between his legs.

You kept walking towards home but you couldn't help but watch them as they walked. They had arrived at the crosswalk adjacent to your little family when he finally looked up from the ground. His eyes caught yours and you let yourself smile a bit at him, genuinely happy that he seemed alright. One of his gray ears flattened with his head tilt but both soon straightened up as what you assumed to be recognition, crossed his features. He repeatedly looked between you and the three boys around you. He wasn't too far away but you could see the tip of his tail wiggle a bit near his ankles.

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